Development Update October 2019: spreading the word about Mobilyze and Petrolyze

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2 min readNov 13, 2019

Dear Biotronians,

As we’re getting close to the first deployments of Mobilyze and Petrolyze, we focused a bit more on marketing to spread the word about these solutions to get more traction and feedback from the market.

SlovakiaTech Forum & Expo 2019

At the beginning of October we were invited as one of the selected technology companies to exhibit at one of the biggest tech events in Slovakia — SlovakiaTech Forum & Expo 2019 — which was supported and attended by guests from Slovak Ministries of Environment, Economy, and Education, Science, Research, and Sport among others.

We also had the opportunity to present Mobilyze to a selected audience and participated in one of the panel discussions on the topic of smart cities.


We’re very proud to be selected to Uplift — accelerator focused on urban innovation, organized by CIVITTA Slovakia, a leading Central European consulting firm, and Impact HUB Bratislava. It will last 4 months during which we’ll get mentoring and consulting from renowned entrepreneurs and innovators.

FTRNW Awards 2019

Another great opportunity to extend our network and get valuable feedback was the participation in the FTRNW Awards 2019 Bootcamp along with the semifinal round. Unfortunately we didn’t make it to the finals this year, but it was a great experience that gave us an outsider perspective and domain expertise to improve Mobilyze and other solutions we provide.


As one of the best technology conferences on the planet according to Forbes, Websummit needs little introduction. We went to Lisbon to meet a bunch of potential partners and clients and get inspiration to improve our products.

Have a successful week!

Best regards,

CEO of Biotron

