Development Update Q1 2020: Smart cities and mobility post-Covid-19

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2 min readApr 14, 2020

Dear Biotronians,

I hope you’re all well and safe. Our whole team is working remotely and we’re closely monitoring the situation. Based on the recent events there will be a lot of changes to how we live, work, and travel. Here’s a couple of things I’m expecting will happen that directly relate to our vision.

Efficiency will be the new buzzword

In times of economic growth we quickly forget about efficiency and base our decisions on our knowledge and best practices, because we’re not pushed to optimize our business to the extreme. However, due to the current recession there will be a much stronger emphasis to support decision-making with hard data to maximize efficiency.

Public transport will take a hit

As a part of continuing social distancing public transport will take a big hit. People will prefer individual means of transport. Cities and transport companies will have to work hard to increase ridership, while keeping everyone safe at the same time.

Bikes, scooters, and EVs

To stay on track with lowering emissions, it is very likely bikes and scooters will be vehicles of choice for many, also promoted by cities. Cars with traditional combustion engines will make way for electric vehicles — whether fully electric BEVs, or plug-in hybrids and hybrids.

Better design of cities

This will all result in the need to design our cities much better. Not only in terms of transport, but also on how we live, work, and spend our time in general.

Biotron is still committed to help organizations make better decisions with data. We keep on developing Mobilyze — our location intelligence platform — to provide hard data to our partners, so they can understand the behaviour of people better and improve the decision-making process. Whether it’s optimizing the public transport, prioritizing the correct infrastructure, and designing cities for maximum livability. Here’s a couple of metrics we’re using to analyze the current situation and evaluate implemented policies.

Population density in Trnava, Slovakia
Average driving speeds in Trnava, Slovakia
Parking events in Zilina, Slovakia based on data from 2017 to now

Obviously there’s much more that’s going to change. I just wanted to cover the areas where we’ve been the most active lately. How do you see the markets evolving in the near future? Let us know on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Best regards,


CEO of Biotron

