How to create a secured Ethereum address on MyEtherWallet

Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2018

As a participant in ITE, you will need to have an Ethereum Wallet in place in order to receive your BTRN.

Photo by David McBee from Pexels

The following wallets are known to be compatible with Ethereum tokens (ERC20 standard):MyEtherWallet (no download needed), MetaMask (Firefox and Chrome browser addon), Mist (Desktop), Parity (Desktop), imToken (iPhone), imToken (Android).

Here is a guide for how to create a secured Ethereum address on MyEtherWallet:

Step 1: Go to (Google Chrome or Firefox browsers recommended)

Step 2: You will be immediately invited to enter a strong password and click on “Create New Wallet” button. This password needs to be easy for you to remember, but also strong. Write it down. If you lose your password, you will lose access to your funds and tokens. There is no password recovery option.

Step 3: Click the “Download” button. You just downloaded a copy of your wallet on your computer. Now store this file securely. This file is the encrypted version of your private key. Read the important message carefully, then click on the “I understand. Continue” button.

Step 4: Print your paper wallet backup and/or carefully hand-write the private key on a piece of paper. Click on “Save Your Address” button.

Step 5: Try using keystore (you downloaded this to your computer in Step 3) and your password to access your wallet by following the number 1- 4 in the picture below:

Step 6: If you successfully input the info, there will be a successful message and you can scroll down to see your “address” which can be shared with others to receive the coins. So if you want to withdraw the coins, just copy the address like this to put on your exchange withdrawal or give to others to receive coins. This is the address you will insert when you want to participate in ITE.

Step 7: Whenever you want to send the coins, you can come back to the website and click “Send Ether & Tokens”. Or click “View Wallet Info” if you just want to check your balance. Here you can just use your address to check without entering any password.


  • You can view the balance and transaction of your address or anyone’s address by going to and search for the address. Every transaction is public.
  • You can also view Ethereum tokens from ICO or other wallets both in MyEtherWallet or etherscan.
  • MyEtherWallet is a very easy place to do a phishing scam to steal your credentials. DO NOT enter the website from any 3rd party links you get. Go directly to the site by typing in the address, Google search, or your bookmark. And always double-check if the URL is correct

