Q2 Report: Biotron Labs nominated for Startup of the Year at CES Awards 2019

Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2019

Dear Biotronians,

Last year at Central European Startup Awards Biotron Labs was awarded the Newcomer of the Year and Best Blockchain Startup awards. We’re honored that this year we’re a nominee as well — as the Startup of the Year!

Central European Startup Awards 2019

Although winning awards doesn’t automatically bring you success, it is a very nice recognition of the work the team has put into the project. It is this and the support of you — our community — that drives us forward in our vision of giving people control over how their data is used. On the other hand it’s a commitment as well. And we’ll do our best to deliver.


In Q2 2019 we announced our first services: Biotron Mobile SDK for iOS and Android and Fuel Stations Analytics. The Mobile SDK is an integral part of our technical framework, which enables our partners to collect high-quality data directly from their customers and that gives those users control over what data is collected and how it is used. We’re already working on several pilot projects in which the SDK will be deployed. I’m expecting that we’ll be allowed to share the details during Q3 this year. Second announced service was the Fuel Stations Analytics. It’s pretty much a “Google Analytics for fuel retailers”. Based on the collected movement data it helps them optimize their retail chain and improve the services they offer. At the moment we’re providing FSA in Slovakia. Next we’re looking to grow it to other markets in Central and Eastern Europe, later also in Western Europe and other parts of the world as well.


We need your help! As we’re growing our portfolio of services, we’re looking for talented folks who could help us in our endeavors. At the moment we’re looking for data engineers, but if you want to help us with data science, please send us your CV.

Q3 Outlook

I believe it is very important to take a look back and look on your projects from an outsider perspective. That’s why we will use the next quarter — specifically the summer months of July and August — to evaluate our strategy and adjust if necessary.

As mentioned above, we’ll also grow our team to speed up the development process (again, if you’d like to work with us — or know someone who might be interested — do let us know).

Last but not least we’re working on a pilot project of our Mobile SDK with a municipality, so stay tuned to get some awesome news.

Get in touch with us!

You’re very welcome to ask us anything on our official Telegram group or Twitter. We’re looking forward to your messages.

Best regards,


CEO of Biotron

