Q3 2019 Report: Mobilyze & Petrolyze launch and validation

Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2019

Dear Biotronians,

Hope your summer was as productive as ours (or at least you got to rest a bit before the Autumn season starts). Let’s dig into the most important updates you may have missed and an outlook for the last quarter of this year.


As we announced before, we launched our first two solutions — Mobilyze and Petrolyze. They share similar technology and components with the main difference being the output. For both we use our Mobile SDK for iOS and Android for data collection, as well as our Data Engine that processes collected data with other data sources. The final step is analytics, which is now done manually. Right now we’re working to create self-service dashboards for our partners. More on that below. The most exciting news is that we signed a letter of intent with the City of Bratislava (the capital of Slovakia, where we operate) and are getting ready to launch the pilot very soon. Other cities have stated their interest as well and we’re working on proofs of concept for them. Similar developments were done with Petrolyze as well. However, at the moment we don’t have the necessary paperwork ready to release the names, so stay tuned for more info on this.


We’re very excited about our newest addition to the team — Marek — who is our data engineer. Although young, he’s quite experienced and already proved himself to be a valuable addition. We’re also hiring external consultants to help us with the analytics parts of Mobilyze and Petrolyze, as well as business and strategy in general.


The third quarter was also quite favorable for our marketing efforts. We’ve been nominated at CESAwards 2019 as the Best Blockchain Startup and took part in the regional round of FTRNW Awards 2019. We didn’t win either, but got tremendous feedback and in the latter we’ll be competing in the national round as well. I’m confident that with the latest developments and improvements we have a solid chance to grab a prize.

Q4 Outlook

The most important part of Q4 2019 will be the launch of the aforementioned projects, the first one being the City of Bratislava, with others to follow. We’re in talks with a couple more cities in the region and should be getting more pilots on the market probably in Q1 2020. We’ll also deliver a bunch of POCs for clients in mobility and retail, so keep your fingers crossed.

On the product side we’ll be working on the dashboards for Mobilyze and Petrolyze, which will look like “Google Analytics for municipalities and petrol retailers” respectively. The goal is to provide self-service analytics and reports to our partners fueled with data collected from users and combines with additional data sources.

As we’re ready to get validation from the market, we’re strengthening our marketing efforts as well. Apart from direct sales we’ll also focus on communications to get some coverage in relevant industry media. We’ll also appear on several conferences and events. Right now the most important planned one is SlovakiaTech conference and expo, where we’ll have a booth and an appearance in one of the panels. Biotron was also nominated as a Top Tech Company at this event, an award that is done in cooperation with E&Y.

Best regards,


CEO of Biotron

