
Published in
11 min readMay 23, 2020

Comments on videos: A Recovery Journey & Talking about Mental Illness

Katherine Ponte: A Recovery Journey

August 11, 2018 to January 1, 2021 — viewed over 500,000 times on Facebook.

Follow up Video: Talking About Mental Illness

My Spouse’s Video: A Caregiver’s Mental Illness Journey

Comments of A Recovery Journey Video

“I stopped at a Wawa to get a drink and I opened up Facebook and I have to say…thank god for your clear message of hope. Very similar history but yet I have not had a positive outlook on my future for about 7 years. Today in particular I felt very…numb. Numb in the sense that I have been so used to feeling “down” that it was my norm. Yet today…it felt different. I listened to every word you shared. I won’t say I know how you feel because no one can know completely how another feels. All I know is you shine of “hope” and your souls is beautiful and the timing of hearing your message could not have been better. I went in and bought a bottle of water instead of my usual soda and I just sat in my car…quiet…relaxing my shoulders and I can tell you the exact minute/day I felt different. It was today 12/29/18 at 12:58pm. I can’t put into worlds exactly what I felt but I felt lighter. I felt “hope”. I have always been told everything will be ok by doctors/psychologist/family and friends but I have never heard someone who I could relate to say what you shared. You made me feel that I was going to be ok at 12:58pm on 12/29/18. That time will forever be remembered. I don’t feel numb…I’m feeling an array of feelings & emotions and they are clear and unclouded. I’ve always heard “it’s going to be ok” or “ come on it’s not that bad” or “you can feel better if you only tried”. No one knows how hard I tried. I can say I felt numb for years. Not hopeless. Numb. There is a huge difference. Now, it’s 1:25pm I’m 12/19/18 and I’m still sitting in the Wawa parking lot because I don’t want this feeling to end. I’m going to call my friend and share your story and mainly share how your story made me finally “feel” again. You probably get replies of all kinds thanking you for being “a real live beautiful soul who owns her story”. This is a wonderful feeling and I’m going to do all I can to keep feeling this way because you…you are the example(sorry that may not sound how I mean it -so I’ll explain). You and your life story was what I needed to hear. I felt the emotion behind every word you said an you shared your low times/and not so low times and I felt happiness when you shared about where you are today. I needed to hear his from someone and I’m so thankful I heard your message today. I removed the mask and now I will embrace all of me and search for a doctor who will treat me wholly and not just my illness. I’m going on and on and I’m sorry. I just want to let you know that you and you alone broke the wall I had built up around me for 7 years because I chose to put myself last and take care of everyone thinking one day I’d snap out of it. Now I see that I wasn’t doing such a great job of taking care of others and there would have been no snapping out of it. If I’m not ok-any-all things I am or do won’t be ok. Today…is my new beginning. Thank you. Thank you.” — Private

“I relisten to this many times. Its such a great testament that we can all get to recovery. It may take a while and the journey rough, but hearing this gives me hope. ‘m MDD and GAD with PTSD. I am treatment resistant and get discouraged. But, then this video pops up, and I get renewed. May we all find that spark of light in the abyss. Thank you Katherine and family and friends. “— Janice

“Your video was so inspiring! Thank you for the bold and brave action you have taken to reach out. It gives hope to all of us. It is so obvious that you really “get it” and can express things well for those who can not. For all those still grasping for understanding, I say thank you!” — Elizabeth

“I am really blown away by this woman’s courage to speak out about her diagnosis. She’s so incredibly brave & inspiring.” — Jean-Marie

“Thank you for sharing your incredibly inspiring story. May others find hope in it. You are such a wonderful role model demonstrating that recovery is possible.” — Katherine

“Thank you for sharing your message and battling the stigma of mental health!” — Steph

“Your post gives me hope.” — Leslie

“Please keep me in your prayers.” — Trish

“Thank you for you. I listened to this and it’s my own life. I began crying knowing I was not alone.” — Janet

“Thank you so much for sharing your story. I wish there was more and better ways to get help.” — Jo

“WOW, just a reminder, to keep loving my mentally ill brother who keeps worrying us, upsetting us, but keep loving!!! “ — Carmen

“Please share this story.” — Cheryl

“Thank you so much for this. For spreading hope and for being so real. I have been so close to the end this week…… seeing this helped me. You are such an inspiration and I hope to one day find my strength and voice, just like you have. Huge hugs. Wonderful, inspiring words!” — Lyndsey

“She speaks volumes.” — Mary

“You are an amazing woman. Your story…parallels my story and brought me to tears. Thank you for your bravery in helping to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness. God bless you.” — Jeff

“I fucking hate her lol I went through a lot of emotions watching this, a lot. I’m not done. I just had to stop it. At one point maybe I didn’t even take her serious even though I first thought she was super serious because I was like she must be trying real hard to be so lack luster like that.. we all know if we’re passionate about something we get higher pitched, excited and all over the place .. but then when she said “I’m on lithium blah blah blah and blah” For one second I was like “yeah see what they put us on!” But.. no. I remember. That’s a serious reality and she said it so matter of fact and then everything she else said clicked… I might not be manic the entirety of these last several years, but I am a lot of the time and even if I’m not super crazy manic daily.. I have to acknowledge the entirety of my situation. Then own it. THEN change it. I hate her cause she’s right. So… I guess I’m gonna finish the video. I really hope this doesn’t take a sales pitch turn… It’s been very real so far.” — Sharese

‪”I love your comment! It made me laugh. I was trying super hard :) I was afraid to get too emotional, start crying…so I tried my best to keep it serious. I hope you didn’t mind the sales pitch near the end. Please join us on — It sounds like you’d be fun to have around. Thank you!” -ForLikeMinds reply to Sharese

“Are you kidding me?! You were fantastic. I was afraid at the end someone would try and sell some coconut cbd flax seed flakes or something, you’re just selling your program, hope, and best intentions. I’ll check it out sure can’t hurt compared to where I’ve been before… See you there.” -Sharese reply to ForLikeMinds

“I’m glad your story had a happy ending. I wish the stigma of mental health would be lifted.” — Dena

“I love your site ForLikeMinds I love that it’s anonymous. I love being able to connect with people. Thank you for creating it.” — Haze Kat

“ Omg. I’m crying watching this. Don’t give up ever. As a fellow survivor of mental illness this just rocked my world.” — Joshua

“Wonderful testimony and very encouraging! My brother suffered w/ mental illness for over 30 years until he joined my mom in heaven️ thank you!!!” — Rhonda

“Such a heartfelt far to common story.” — Jeanne

“Such an Amazing Story of a Woman who suffers from a Mental illness and talks about her Journey .So much like my own journey. Keep talking about Mental Illness and stop the Stigma that comes with it !!!” — Elaine

“This is extremely helpful to listen to your story. So many can benefit especially people and families that don,t understand mental illness. This projects a clearly conscious understanding. God bless.” — Penny

“Thank you for bravely sharing your story! I’ll be praying!” — Kathy

“Beautiful video and very poignant. I have BPD and a few other mental illnesses, but they do not define me as a person, and I’ve worked hard all these years(even more serious work lately) and I feel a positive shift. It is possible to change your life for the better even though you suffer from mental illness Thank you for sharing and I wish you a continued heathy life.” — Jacqueline

“A must watch for people suffering with mental illness and their loved ones.” — Joanne

“Thank you for sharing, God bless you and your family. Your amazing God is great.” — Mariene

“Proud of you and your strength to rise above.” — Carol

“This video gives me hope.” — Melissa

“God bless you for the courageous woman you are, for sharing your story, and being a support to others!” — Kathy

“Mrs. Katherine, you are an inspiration. Thanks for your dedication to helping.” — Rachel

“Really need this info and hope for myself and a family member right now. Thank you, thank you.” — Wylma

“Sending prayers love thank you so much for sharing.” — Asylai

“I am proud of you. This takes courage and strength. I wanted to share how I heal myself and maintain stability.” — Brady

“This is for real, not a joke and certainly nothing she asked for, people need to understand that,the mentally ill are not throw always!.” — Kitty

“Very good to listen to for those going through this and those who not so maybe they can understand.” — Charity

“Thank you for your testimony. Been here for awhile, but acceptance is a good part of the battle and staying on the meds, trying to live a healthy lifestyle and having faith in God. Thank you again and God bless.” — Judy

“So powerful and amazing. Great education!!” — Diane

“Very well done sweetheart. I will be sharing your message!!! You are awesome, thank you.” — Kathy

“Wonderful story. Stay strong and never lose hope.” — Tara

“Thank you for sharing.” — Melissa

“Really needed this right now. Thank you.” — Ruth

“God is so Good.” — Edith

“Awesome..praise God” — Amy

“Maybe this could help me!” — Nadean

“‪Thank you” — Karrie

“Loved this!” — Brucekat

“Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you.” — Kim

“I love this.” — Lisa

“Beautifully told.” — Brenda

“Great story.” — Heather

“Thank you.” — Lisa

“Her story is my story, our story.” — Haze Kat

“God bless.” — Carol

“‪I love this there is hope.” — Rebekah

“Great story to share. — Joyce

“Thank you for your story.” — Michele

“‪I am an avid #MentalHealthAwareness advocate and performer, and I love this so much.” — Allen

“Amen” — Sandra

“Well said!” — Rebecca

“Poignant” — Michelle

“May I ask, ForLikeMinds — what you do for a living with your super powers.” — Rikki

“So strong and inspiring… bravery has many faces.” — Audra

“Thank you for sharing so powerful!” — Jean

“Beautiful. I am a mental health worker and see how much this illness can destroy lives, if not treated. FYI, not to take away from this serious topic, but the woman in this video looks exactly like Cecily Strong from SNL. Doppelganger.” — Julie

“What a beautiful story of hope. Thank you for reminding me that recovery is possible!!” — Kellie

“Everyone who has someone that is bipolar n their family should listen.” — Sherri

“So very brave!!!… thank you for sharing your story.” — Lisa

“I am really blow away by this woman’s courage to speak out about her diagnosis. She’s so incredibly brave and inspiring.” — Jean-Marie

“So proud of you! You fought the good fight and came out on top! These aren’t false words; I’ve been there!” — Shirley

“She is very courageous.” — Alice

“Wonderful.” — Suleil

“I love this so much!!” — Yssirp

“‪Thank you for sharing️ as a mother of a 24 year old who does not believe he has a problem…you’ve given me hope.” — Michelle

“Bravo… you personify authenticity and courage and hope!” — Christine

“Ty for sharing. You are an inspiration.” — Cathryn

“Love you so much u are helping more than u know God bless.” — Debbie

“Thank you Katherine Ponte , for sharing your Story! God Bless!!! You and your Family with many great days ahead ! And all the many! many! many! People you and your family will help along the way on their Journey’s as Well ‪God Bless! Dude & Max too.” — Nudae

“Thank you for bravely sharing your story and starting this peer support network. I will share this with my agency.” — Betsey

“‪I have been following this facebook page for a while now Katherine and your story as you tell it here is really inspiring. I wish you much success and happiness as you take tour own struggle and turn it into helping others overcome theirs. Wondering if you would mind me sharing this on LinkedIn, I think what you are doing is very inspiring. Sending as many well wishes as I can.” — Heidi

“Needed this today.” — Sandy

“‪Long, but worth it — plz share.” — Jonelle

“Brava beautiful soul! Congratulations to you! You are a light in the dark.” — Jasmine

“Great job Katherine️. I often think back and wish I would have gotten help 20 years sooner, but to talk about things at the time were TABOO, I was the first to break those chains, and two other siblings are following with their conditions️.” — Marie

“Very encouraging! Thanks for sharing!” — Jacque

“Thank you for sharing your story I too have been through many years of non-compliance I started complying I even became a peer support had a setback and am now compliant I’m glad you said about believing in God again because that’s where I find my strength I finally got over being angry with God for the things in my life and peer support has gotten me through a lot keep up the good work.” — Angie

“Thank you so much for your help and time because in my recovery it all counts.” — Carol

“Thank you for your story, very inspiring.” — Shawna

“Very inspiring! Well spoken.” — Gary

“A wonderful, wonderful video! Thank you for opening up! And congratulations on a job, completely well done!” — MJ

“Thank you for been you and helping the ones in need. Your testimony is very powerful! Thanks!!” — Emma

“Your such an inspiration to me!! I saved your story on my phone so I can hear it when I start to feel down!! Thank you for sharing your experience!!” — Kathryn

“I really appreciate your courage in speaking to people like me you don’t realize the impact you have made.” — Eddie

“This is the best video and encouraged me as my husband has a Bipolar 1, diagnosed in 2010. Thank you for sharing! “— Carla

“This is the best video and encouraged me as my husband has a Bipolar 1, diagnosed in 2010. Thank you for sharing! “— Carla

Thank you you me lot you.are a..angel so glad you came out and i am sure Many out.there peaple are happy you are out in2020 big reward it Will save somebody lives thank you.” — Carmel

“Thank you for sharing you give me hope I’m also bipolar and I struggle you sharing your story was an inspiration you me thank you again and God bless” — Gloria

“I hope you know how many lives you and your husband have touched. Getting out the message that is so important. THANK YOU !!” — Sharon

“Her story is very inspiring, along with the support she received. She took the first steps ….and by being an advocate we can learn from her experience. Thank you for sharing. You are a strong lady!” — Theresa




We are dedicated to the recovery of people living with mental illness and their families.