Lessons and Where I Learned Them

Bips and Bops
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2016
  1. Everyone was right about coffee: Paris
  2. If there are no paper towels, use your hair: Isle of Skye
  3. If he says he’ll be right back, and then doesn’t come back…don’t go find him: University of Southern California
  4. People believe the hype about California: Charleston, Vancouver, London, Edinburgh, Paris
  5. Nice airports are elusive beasts, but they exist: Phoenix
  6. If he says he wrote a novel, make him google it in front of you to prove it: Houston
  7. Karaoke videos are forever: Houston
  8. Birthdays are a good excuse: Berkeley
  9. Anywhere can be fun with fun people: Turlock
  10. The people who love you will never ever feel like they are “just putting up with you”:ongoing, everywhere

