Birb Project Update

Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2022

A personal message from the founders

This is a personal message to the Birb community from PuffedBirb and my twin brother ChirpJedi.

As many of you know, we have all gone through a tough year. We have some great news we would love to share with you. We recently hired a live-in, full-time night nurse for my mother. It is an experienced nurse, and we are delighted our mother now has someone to help care for her. We visit several times weekly but now have much more time for our project. I have been deprived of sleep for many months, but I feel much better every day. We are getting help from the team and MountainFood’s natural supplement suggestions. I honestly think I will be back to normal quickly. We are now full-time Birb!

The current plan for the Birb project

The Birb token contract was updated to the current version, V3. The current V3 contract gave us the tax our project needed, but there is still one minor bug in the contract. The bug in our contract requires a buy tax for the sale tax to work. We had to add a 0.1% tax to buy orders. This bug itself causes flags in our contract.

Our solution

The solution our team decided on is to make an extremely clean contract that can pass high-level audits and scanners. We want this to be the final Birb contract, and we will call it Birb 2.0.

We expect the contract to be completed in less than a month, and it will be sent to Certik immediately upon completion.

Certik will audit the Birb 2.0 contract before it is deployed and used. Our team decided to use Certik as they are the leader in smart contract auditing. Our communities trust is vital to us.


When the main token contract address is changed, this also causes all developments to connect to the new contract. We can release the lottery game this month even though after Birb 2.0, we would need to redeploy the lottery game. Our team will be ready to implement any changes once we move to the final Birb 2.0 contract. Flock protocol and other core developments will be released after we move to the new and final contract, Birb 2.0. This is to prevent duplicate work.

We are excited for the future of Birb, and we want to display a Certik badge proudly. We can’t wait for everyone to see our new fun and playful website, the original vision we had for Birb.

Top-tier CEX exchanges

Many top-tier exchanges carefully inspect the token contract for any bugs and vulnerabilities. It will be one less obstacle to getting into top-tier exchanges with an exceptionally clean contract audited by Certik. With our current contract, regardless of our efforts, they will find the bug we have if they check the contract.

No matter what obstacles we pass through, Birb will be victorious in the end.

Other questions you may have

1. Will Birb 2.0 be the final contract? Yes, we want this to be our last contract, and we are excited to send our new contract to get audited by Certik.

2. What will happen to my Birb NFT staking rewards? You will continue getting your rewards. Once we move to the new Birb 2.0 contract, the smart contract developer will connect and redeploy all NFT contracts.

3. Will the Top 250 holders continue to get rewarded every two weeks? Yes, rewards will continue for our top holders.

4. Will there be an airdrop or a claim portal to receive the new token? There will be a claim portal for V1 and V3 holders. We will make it as easy as possible for you to claim your Birb 2.0 Tokens. We got a lot of feedback and will make it a great user experience.



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