Birchal X Collabosaurus: Our Pilot for the Funded Club!

Firstly, who is Collabosaurus?

Birchal Blog
3 min readApr 27, 2021


Collabosaurus is the matchmaker for brands. They have connected over 6,500+ businesses for clever marketing partnerships across the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand & the UK.

Collabosaurus Team

A marketing tool that connects brands, their main bread-and-butter centres around fostering collaborations & partnerships between like-minded businesses.

Brands typically use the service to cross-promote their existing assets, collaborate on cool products, run social media campaigns or deploy experiential marketing events with other businesses that thematically ‘make sense’ for them to work with. Some classic examples:

  • Barbie x Airbnb
  • Hey Tiger x Claire Ritchie
  • Hinge x Open Table
Barbie x Airbnb Collaboration in Malibu, USA

See their best brand collaborations of 2019 here

We see this as a great opportunity for Birchal’s Funded Club to increase brand awareness, build exposure to new customers and create strong, lasting brand experiences for their current customers.

So we took on a little ‘pilot’ project to see if it would work…

Snapshot of our dashboard on Collabosaurus, week 1.

How is the Birchal x Collabosaurus collaboration going?

We launched this pilot about 7 weeks ago with a few of our successful campaigns that have a strong consumer proposition and were already regular online communicators with their audience. They included:

Zorali: The journey calls

Our role as the platform was to ‘host’ the company listings on Collabosaurus, where they can connect with over 6,500+ brands worldwide. This is what Collabosaurus have said on the pilot so far:

“[We’ve] really enjoyed working with the Birchal brands, it’s been a lot of fun helping them source some amazing collaboration opportunities. There have been so many great businesses that have been excited to connect with them”.

But to the numbers! Here’s a summary of progress, 7 weeks in:

To see who they have planned collaborations with, check out the full report here.

What’s next?

We’re keen to see how the collaborations pan out and if our pilot companies have found the experience beneficial to their brand. Key information we’ll be gathering over the next few weeks:

  • Effort & cost involved from our pilot companies to get involved in a collaboration
  • The effect of the collaborations on their business — was it worth it?
  • Would they do it again?

Once we have the results from the pilot, we will be sharing with our Funded Club the ways you can get involved in this program, otherwise the next exciting thing we’re planning for the pipeline.

Of course, if you’d like to get in touch before then or have other ideas you’d like to share, reach out to Claire from the Birchal team at



Birchal Blog

Everyone should have the opportunity to invest in the brands they love