Crafting an Elevator Pitch — to connect with humans

Alan Crabbe
Birchal Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2017

Pitch Outline
I’ve included a sample outline that a pitch should include — whether its a live pitch or pitch video. You should be able to fit this all into five minutes or less — especially if you use images & graphics in your presentation. You should mostly speak to each of the points, using graphics or props to reinforce your spoken words.

I’ve also highlighted (in bold) the 5 key points you need to practice to ensure you tell your your story with authenticity; show your passion and connect with an audience on a human level.

  • Headline (vision and/or story)
  • Company Purpose (your tagline)
  • Problem (customer pain)
  • Solution (value prop to customer — great to add real customer stories)
  • Why Now (history and evolution)
  • Traction (Customers/Partners/Contracts/Users/Signups/Revenue/Growth/Intellectual Property/Awards/)
  • Market Size (who are your target customers & how large is the opportunity)
  • Competition (be transparent)
  • Product (description and road map)
  • Business Model (revenue, profit margins, pricing)
  • Customer Acquisition plan (marketing and sales channels)
  • Team (founder(s), the board & senior managers)

Check out the Sugru pitch video from fellow Irish women Jane Ni Dhulchaointigh — I particularly like the way the videographer captured Jane’s personality and story in a very authentic way. And it created a ‘wow’ reaction for me!

Below i’ve included 3 links that helped me prepare this post.

