Every photo tells a story

And pictures from space tell us how things are changing in our world.

Corentin Guillo
3 min readSep 24, 2017


When Bird.i’s adventure started officially back in May 2016, we were already on a mission:

we’ll make the world’s most incredible images – and the insights they bring – accessible to absolutely everyone.

And when we say everyone, we really mean everyone, every single business and individual alike.

Indeed, whatever strategy or decision we make, we will always try our best so that all individuals could benefit form the values contained in fresh and accurate satellite imagery.

As a well disciplined start-up, we decided that we needed to verify this hypothesis; so we contracted a creative agency named Made Brave to help us to run an experiment. The primary reason for contracting an external agency was that as a space start-up, our minds were already bought in the beauty of our planet from space, and we wanted the results of this experiment to be genuine, truthful and independent from any internal influences. We pushed the concept to the point that only few people at Bird.i were aware of this experiment to make sure they’d not try to influence the results.

So, we gave unconditional authority to the Made Brave team to decide on the way they wanted to run the experiment.

All we wanted to know was: is there a market of mass out there made of people from different origin, culture and places who would be interested in accessing fresh and accurate satellite imagery?

Sample of question asked to candidates

Made Brave’s first task was to gather a representative sample of the population.

Each potential participants were asked to answer a series of questions such as their age category, how many times they’ve moved house since childhood, if they had any relatives living far away, what type of news stories they were interested in, how often they use Google Maps and what for…

Made Brave ended up selecting 9 different persons, ranging from a wee pair of sisters of 7 and 9 years old, a senior engineer who “could not be impressed anymore”, or a lady emotionally attached to her tree back in Austin, Texas.

Out of this selection process, Made Brave created a very simple profile card for each of these selected candidates, which they shared with us so we can gather some satellite images that would be related to their origin, interests or travel history:

Example of a profile card for one of the selected candidate.

Using each of this profile card, we collected a selection of images over their location of interests:

Sample satellite images that were collected for Natalia in relation to her life’s interests

Then, Made Brave invited them back to an evening event, they were offered drinks and food, but still no opportunities to meet with the Bird.i team. They were asked individually to come on a sofa, facing three cameras, where they were shown on a huge white wall the images that were selected based on their profiles.

They were not given anymore instructions than we just wanted to capture their feelings, emotions and reactions, either positive or negative.

Obviously we were super excited back at Bird.i whilst waiting for the final results. When the following day each individual sessions were delivered and watched many times for analysis, we decided that we needed to share those results with you, and made this short video:

