Bird and KSM Starter Soaring to New Levels with Partnership!

Bird continues to add great partnerships to the flock, making strategic advancements with one of the more influential, new projects on the Kusama Network.

OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)
4 min readDec 14, 2021


Bird partners with KSM Started to provide wallet analytic data to their launchpad platform.

As a data supplier for the blockchain, our intention is to work with dApp developers and Web 3.0 platforms that can begin to leverage the power of data analytics by easily plugging into Bird’s data analytics oracle and API. These analytic tools are used to enhance developers’ own decentralized applications and platforms, providing their users with the customized experience that they demand from today’s hyper-connected world!

KSM Starter: The primary Launchpad on the Kusama network.

KSM Starter’s main goal is to be more than an IDO platform helping to launch new projects in the ecosystem. They will be able to foster relationships not only with the projects that are brought on board but with the users themselves and this will be achieved through three main focuses:

  1. Decentralized IDO Selection: KSM Starter believes in a fair, transparent, community- driven IDO selection. Through the KST DAO, all KST token holders can become an early supporter of a project by voting in favor of the IDO and receiving allocation incentives.
  2. Fostering the ecosystem: On top of holding the KST token, IDO participants are incentivised with higher allocation win rate by holding any of the previous IDO tokens. It creates an ecosystem of IDO projects that can benefit from others’ success, rather than compete. KSM Starter creates a community of collaborative contributors.
  3. Connecting Projects and Communities: Any projects that have done an IDO on KSM Starter earn membership rights in the KST Ecosystem Council. Composed of both established projects and emerging projects built on Substrate, the ecosystem provides early support for emerging projects through the expertise of the established projects.

Through these three main focuses KSM starter plans to build an active and reliable community that will help to not only fund projects but bring confidence in the development of these projects as well.

KSM Starter will allow its users to auto-invest to secure IDO allocation

Bird on KSM Starter’s Platform

Partnering with Bird, KSM Starter is able to extend the capabilities of it’s Launchpad. By utilizing Bird’s machine learning data and decentralized wallet user-behavioral analytics, one application for the launchpad will be to apply a credit score to the users participating in IDOs. This credit score will provide risk analyses on the investors of a project. This will enable KSM Starter to understand which users will potentially dump tokens right away and which users will remain holding tokens for the long haul.

Using Bird’s proprietary technology, KSM Starter will soon be offering tier upgrades to select staking participants who have shown positive behavior.

KSM Starter Enters partnership with leading blockchain analytics firm Bird!

“Partnering with Bird only makes sense for the future direction of KSM Starter. Using Bird’s proprietary technology, KSM Starter will soon be offering tier upgrades to select staking participants who have shown positive behavior. Those in Phoenix tier who are eligible for upgrade will be the first ones to join the KSM Starter DAO Fund and have unprecedented access to seed and private sales, along with OTC discount deals. A partnership with Bird is the strategic first step to make all of this a possibility.” — Siwon Kim, Founder at KSM Starter

About Bird

Bird is empowering dApp developers to create the Web3.0 UX of the future by developing wallet-level machine learning prediction products that are accessible within a permissionless, decentralized on-chain oracle. Developers that integrate with our products can, for example, offer variable defi loans or launchpad investment terms based on Bird’s analysis of the wallet’s past behaviors as well as off-chain data streams.

Behavioral prediction products fueled the growth of Web2.0 companies such as Google and Facebook, but centralization had led to power and profit disparities. Combining the power of ML with open and decentralized technologies will enable Bird to create an entirely new tech business model. Operational decisions such as how sensitive data are used and what user behaviors are analyzed can be made by the community (i.e, token holders), with community profit-sharing serving to align the long-term incentives of Bird administrators and ecosystem users.

