Bird Calls Community Update

Vol 2 • Issue 3

OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)
6 min readMar 2, 2022


As on-chain fundamentals grow stronger, we venture our way onto being data detectives; the bi-weekly fireside chats have been a resounding success; our ambassador program hits it final phase. Read along for this months iteration of the Bird Calls Community Updates newsletter to get your monthly fix from The Nest.

Well, time certainly flies. We are back in the realm of futuristic analytics solutions. Given the developing state of affairs in Ukraine and Russia we hope everyone could stay safe. We have returned with an update on all things BIRD. The amount of building and milestones continues to persevere.

Let’s get straight to it!

Fundamental Analysis and Preliminary Results on Investor Behavior

The main “BIRD supplies” in this edition is the publication of the preliminary results of on-chain investor behavior analysis, which is meant to introduce Bird’s custom metric for identifying valuable investors atop on-chain data.

By outlining the procedures from the collection of blockchain data, aggregation of statistics to the implementation of the event-based data collection, we employ model improvements to uncover wallet behaviors and interactions supported by computational packages.

As a multifaceted report of experiments, decisions, and findings throughout preliminary development effort, the Bird team has presented insights covering the infrastructural, data science, and modeling decisions. Under-development solutions are devised for identifying valuable investors, where practical next steps include a complete implementation and tuning of gradient boosting models. With more fundamental work to address the challenges anticipated, we hope this publication encourages stakeholders in the sector to begin rethinking and improving the entire framework of informed decisions when it comes to investor behaviors.

Our data science team will release our next research paper with all of the details and results of the research being performed, soon. Stay tuned for more juicy details, especially for those interested in the technical nuances of what our analytic team has to offer.

Continual Expansion

With the industry’s engagement and participation, Bird aspires to create a strong community around the expansion and development of AI ethics and analysis. New user base and outreach channels have been established as the first phase of the Bird Ambassador Program has come to a close.

Together with our partners, we are working on collaborations where BIRD resources will be utilized as the foundation of an analytics mechanism for multiple launchpads and KOL’s.

Together with our partners, we are working on collaborations where BIRD resources will be utilized as the foundation of an analytics mechanism for multiple launchpads and KOL’s. Product side marketing is underway to enhance business growth. Aggressively pioneering our product marketing, Bird will be sharing investor-level marketing materials with the community as multiple presentation decks, info-sheets and explainer videos are finalized. We continue to work vehemently on the collateral that will allow us to secure the partners we need to move to the next level of our growth, both from an investment standpoint as well as from a product development perspective.

Prudent marketing strategies and well-maintained relationships with investors are our bread and butter. Together with the community, we will continue to promote our core values while adhering to sustainability principles. Our bi-weekly fireside chats have been a major success and the feedback has been phenomenal. Members of our community have been commending the team on their efforts of transparency and accessibility to the community at large. For those of your who haven’t joined us on our live chats, we encourage you to participate and be a part of the discussion. We’re eager to hear your voices, opinions and suggestions.

Our bi-weekly fireside chats have been a major success and the feedback has been phenomenal.

Keep an eye out for Dan as he appears on more interviews as well as more reviews of Bird throughout the month of March. We’ll be engaging channels that are 2–4x larger in community as subscriber count who also promote across a mix of social media.

The Quest To Community First

At the start of the year, we introduced the first phase of our ambassador program #operationbirdnest. The goal is to open up opportunities for the community to contribute in a more substantial and tangible way. Hundreds of impassioned members, eager to make a direct and positive impact in building a better platform, have joined Bird. Wonder if we are moving to the next phase? The resounding answer was: YES!

The new Community Badge for avid participants having completed 20 or more tasks and the Avian Avatars awards will soon be made available for minting.

The Bird Community Badge NFT

Bird could not succeed without you. Be one of the Ambassadors to show your support for Bird!

Bird Bounty Program

Bird operates as a sustainable protocol that anyone can rely on for making better data-driven decisions. In the interest of furthering the relationship between Bird and the Flock, we are launching the Bird Bounties Program.

Since we are true disciples in a decentralized economy, everybody can become a contributor!

The program is designed to leverage community involvement and put us ahead of the curve on any potential vulnerabilities. Moving forward, we utilize monetary Bird rewards for skilled Flocks who are able to identify such weaknesses before they are exploited.

To qualify for a bounty, the Flock must own either an Ambassador Community Badge NFT or an Avian Avatar NFT. The winning bid determined by community voting will receive Bird tokens in payment for the contribution. Holders of both NFTs will receive a 25% boost of any token rewards that they earn.

Was that a lot to digest or is there still room for something sweet?

Believe In Bird Challenge

Bird Call To Action: We Want You!

Bird is ready to surprise all our associates. We take immense pleasure in announcing our first-ever VIDEO CONTEST. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create an informative and entertaining video which introduces to the world why you believe in Bird as a project. No constraints — we want to see what you come up with.

To participate, simply post your video / link to your video in the #submissions-channel on our Discord server by March 9th 11:59pm UTC. The video will be openly judged by the community members and team members. Submissions will be voted by the community from March 11th 12am UTC to March 16th 11:59pm UTC.

The top winner for creating the “Best Submission” will win $250 USD worth of Bird tokens (BEP20). Any video the Bird team chooses to share on social media will win $25USD worth of $Bird Tokens(BEP20)

While this is a generalized summary of our achievements for February, there will no doubt be some surprises along the way. Bird is looking forward to the journey, onwards and upwards!

About Bird

Bird is empowering dApp developers to create the Web3.0 UX of the future by developing wallet-level machine learning prediction products that are accessible within a permissionless, decentralized on-chain oracle. Developers that integrate with our products can, for example, offer variable defi loans or launchpad investment terms based on Bird’s analysis of the wallet’s past behaviors as well as off-chain data streams.

Behavioral prediction products fueled the growth of Web2.0 companies such as Google and Facebook, but centralization had led to power and profit disparities. Combining the power of ML with open and decentralized technologies will enable Bird to create an entirely new tech business model. Operational decisions such as how sensitive data are used and what user behaviors are analyzed can be made by the community (i.e, token holders), with community profit-sharing serving to align the long-term incentives of Bird administrators and ecosystem users.

