Bird in Penguin Karts Ecosystem to Maximize the Value of Gaming Data

OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)
4 min readMar 9, 2022


How do you evaluate 10k events per second from 50M users to come up with a solution of bettering gamer experience? How can data science expand player expectations beyond the nuances of current business boundaries? Well, gaming and data analytics is a match made in tech heaven.

Machine learning today is unlike machine learning of the past, and so does the gaming industry. From creating virtual characters for in-game battles to now utilizing VR and AR to optimize immersive gameplay, we have achieved quantum leaps when it comes to the possibilities of gaming. To maximize seamless gameplay, personalized experience and adaptation has a role to play. Specifically, gathering gameplay data through logs to uncover implicit trends will algorithmically adapt game design and mechanics on the fly.

To up game development and drive user base, Bird has expanded its partnership network with Penguin Karts which aims to advance in-game and product experience for the players, and leverage insight-driven data to provide intuitive indicators where both developers and gamers have instant and reliable access to what they want, cutting through the clutter.

Penguin Karts: Racing with the Most Powerful Elemental Combinations

Penguin Karts is the battle-racing that combines the best components of arcade-style kart racing, mobile gaming and Play-to-Earn NFT dynamics. The first-of-its-kind battle-racing P2E gamified app features a 3D multiplayer game where players race against each other earning NFTs along the way.

Victory goes to the one who takes the most risks.

By racing against opponents in demolition derby style matches, earning is made easy on Penguin Karts, whether through skilled gameplay, wagers, contributions to the ecosystem or by collecting and trading playable NFTs.

In the future, Penguin Karts will be a place for non-crypto communities with Free-to-Play utility designed to be an onboarding station to not only the metaverse, but blockchain as a whole.

More Than Gathering Data But Making Meaningful Decisions with Data

By combining the vast array of data captured through Penguin Karts, ranging from NFTs purchase records, concurrent players by minutes, new players by day to conversion of cryptocurrencies into in-game props, Bird will assist to operate the existing data to drive operational profitability and protocol sustainability. Ultimately, players’ interests will be advanced that strengthens the blockchain gaming industry in a holistic perspective.

Penguin Karts will benefit from adopting analytics as a source of business intelligence. Building elaborative tools, Bird seeks to provide maximum insights from datasets to inspire Penguin Karts developers in churn reduction, gameplay enhancement and monetization strategies through the following metrics:

  • Time Metrics such as daily active users, count of new users and the count of daily users who made purchase etc.
  • Involvement Metrics including average session lengths, returning users and win percentage
  • Revenue Metrics on parameters say the average revenue per active user, the balance of currency that players spent and earned

One of the most impactful steps with regard to the partnership is to create a place for users, investors and game developers to find common ground. By sharing of insights, the entire gameplay model with Penguin Karts can be elevated by preserving cost-efficiency, giving quantitative and qualitative overview of user performances and most importantly, keeping track of the business model.

About Bird

Bird is empowering dApp developers to create the Web3.0 UX of the future by developing wallet-level machine learning prediction products that are accessible within a permissionless, decentralized on-chain oracle. Developers that integrate with our products can, for example, offer variable defi loans or launchpad investment terms based on Bird’s analysis of the wallet’s past behaviors as well as off-chain data streams.

Behavioral prediction products fueled the growth of Web2.0 companies such as Google and Facebook, but centralization had led to power and profit disparities. Combining the power of ML with open and decentralized technologies will enable Bird to create an entirely new tech business model. Operational decisions such as how sensitive data are used and what user behaviors are analyzed can be made by the community (i.e, token holders), with community profit-sharing serving to align the long-term incentives of Bird administrators and ecosystem users.

