Bird.Money Joins

The Trust Network just came closer to reality as we bring decentralized justice to Bird

Usman Salis
OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)
3 min readApr 10, 2021


The Bird Nest grows bigger and stronger, as Bird.Money is proud to announce that we have joined as a registered token. As unflinching believers in a decentralized financial market where trust is no longer a problem, the Bird team realizes that transparency is a critical ingredient for success. What better way to guarantee transparency than by having our token registered with the first-of-its-kind decentralized justice and arbitration protocol?

What is Kleros?

Kleros is a platform with the vision of bringing justice to everyone’s doorsteps through decentralization. As the world’s economy moves ever deeper into cyberspace, Kleros is providing open-source and completely free arbitration services that employ jurors from across the world to judge fairly on disputes that arise from online interactions. Kleros is a blockchain-powered project. It allows businesses from diverse backgrounds such as e-commerce, insurance, oracles, and social networks to table disputes and get a swift and impartial judgment in return.

A visual depiction of the protocol.

Why Decentralized Justice?

Trust is an indispensable gear in the engine of human interaction. Even in blockchain 2.0, Smart Contracts only work optimally when all parties are fair and true to agreed terms. Disputes constitute about 5% of all transaction volumes in DApps and resolution mechanisms must appear impartial to be trusted by the parties. By putting qualified, and unconnected jurors in charge of dealing with such disputes, all parties rest assured that the verdict they get back from such a decentralized court is not biased, making it easier for them to accept and enact such judgment.

Our Wings Are Open

By signing up to a decentralized justice platform trusted by DeFi industry leaders such as UniSwap, we continue to demonstrate complete transparency to the Bird Flock and the wider DeFi community. Kleros is open-source democratic justice at its finest, and Bird.Money is honored to explore ways in which we can continue to earn the trust of our community with its help. Our wings are not just open to fly, but wide open to show we are a credible and transparent project. From the Bird Oracle V2 to our lending platform, our campaign to make real trust a reality in a decentralized world will no doubt get a huge boost from our Kleros integration.



Usman Salis
OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)

FinTech & Crypto Writer | Blockchain | DeFi | NFT | Web3 | Copywriter