Bird.Money Strikes Strategic Partnership With Parsiq

Bringing Cross-chain Data Intelligence is Another Major Milestone on the Flight Path

OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)
3 min readJun 3, 2021


The most extraordinary journeys in history have always been borne out of incredible alliances. The Bird Nest is thrilled to announce that we’ve sealed yet another strategic partnership with the leading blockchain data intelligence platform Parsiq.

What is Parsiq?

Parsiq is a next-generation multi-chain data monitoring and intelligence platform. Parsiq allows for instantaneous and real-time monitoring of digital assets, with the ability to set triggers against certain occurrences on said digital assets. Parsiq also gathers and processes on-chain data with the added capability of combining on-chain and off-chain data.

A Strategic Bi-Lateral Partnership With Benefit for Both Parties

As the Bird Flock will attest, every partnership entered into by Bird.Money is about bringing value to our community and creating a more integrated suite of products that tackle real-world situations pertaining to credit risk analytics. With Parsiq, the possibilities are many, for both the Bird’s Nest and Parsiq HQ.

With its advanced data monitoring capabilities, Bird will have another sharpened tool to amplify the capabilities of our suite of products. While the previous transaction history of a given blockchain wallet goes a long way to creating a reliable credit score, trust in itself is an evolving element in finance, and Parsiq will help us keep tabs on it as time goes by. Parsiq’s unique blockchain triggers will come in handy in the future for Bird.Money whenever we need to update the credit scores as data evolves.

For Parsiq, we bring a unique set of data and analytics with our growing BIRD Score network. Bird is in a unique position to offer our partners streamlined and contextualized data on blockchain entities their platform has an interest in. This is a mutually beneficial partnership, and the Bird Nest couldn’t be more thrilled at exploring all the possibilities it presents for the future.

About Bird.Money

Bird.Money is developing data-driven solutions used to analyze risk in Decentralized Finance by securely delivering their Blockchain Individualized Risk of Default (BIRD) Score — DeFi’s improvement on the legacy financial system’s credit score — to lending platforms and protocols. The BIRD Score is the first DeFi credit score based on the statistical prediction of loan default, created using advanced machine learning methods and made available to lending protocols as a simple, accessible rating. It’s the next generation of credit scoring.

Together with its lending platform, decentralized analytics oracle and API, Bird.Money is leading the way in empowering DeFi product innovation. Bird.Money’s suite of analytics products and services enable truly individualized DeFi solutions to be uniquely tailored to each and every user.

This is the future of finance.

