Bird Partners with GoldeFy to Enrich its In-game Data Ecosystem

Bird has rolled its way into a partnership with GoldeFy to establish credible data analytics for its blockchain developers, gamers and spectators!

OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)
3 min readFeb 23, 2022


Investment in the gaming industry continues to accelerate its digital transformation. Thanks to the burgeoning user base, people are taking gameplay seriously rather than considering them as a pastime.

The issue with existing gaming is that developers generally lack context and insights. With the emergence of artificial intelligence and machine, integration of data analytics and trend prediction changes the nature of interactive gaming drastically. The evolution in the gaming industry is brewing in one form or the other.

The collaboration between the duo will empower the gameplay operations at GoldeFy with data-driven intelligence, which ultimately drives their business in ever more sustainable and profitable directions.

GoldeFy: A Hybrid of IDLE and P2E Gamification

GoldeFy is a blockchain game built on hope and cooperation. Coming from “Gold” and “DeFi”, the BSC-powered gaming app combines Earn-While-In-Sleep (EWIS) gaming and metaverse mining with NFT play-to-earn technology. Making synergies to a visionary level, GoldeFy ambitions to create an environment where users can enjoy and earn with ease, rather than having to wrestle with the complexities of in-game operations that have been predominant on the market.

Adventurers on GoldeFy will be able to leverage NFT characters and estates for actual profits through mini-games, guild co-op, and game station battles. Building a unique gaming architecture that integrates gaming ownership with communal goals, GoldeFy fosters a place of innovation that goes beyond a mine-and-dump platform, but a game that will involve ecosystems built on gaming, sharing, and renewing In-game communities.

Gaming Analytics: Finding Common Ground for Healthier Growth

Bird has a bold vision to transform into the blockchain industry’s go-to analytics platform. Geared towards developing custom advanced predictive analytics solutions based on actionable data, we help gaming enterprises build sustainable growth and combine revenue sources that ultimately a better experience for everyone involved will be delivered.

In a broader sense, Bird’s AI machinery utilizes visualization and directionality to find correlation in player data and the gameplay. From descriptive, inferential to explanatory analysis, the analyzing process will help GoldeFy tie to their business goals and

Unlocking Future Insights

Anticipating player journeys in real-time will take GoldeFy to balance monetization and retention. By helping GoldeFy to determine the most appropriate statistical techniques in setting up predictive models, the innovative gamified metaverse will benefit from anticipating actions that players will take, which subsequently influencing future in-game purchases and optimizing lifetime values.

Optimizing Gameplay Experience

By observing the gameplay in GoldeFy, including speed battles and the episodic excursions, Bird will be able to offer insights into GoldeFy product team that are crucial to its gaming infrastructure. With large volumes of data being ingested, Bird’s simplification and automation will help to maximize enjoyment and heighten the experience for GoldeFy players.

About Bird

Bird is empowering dApp developers to create the Web3.0 UX of the future by developing wallet-level machine learning prediction products that are accessible within a permissionless, decentralized on-chain oracle. Developers that integrate with our products can, for example, offer variable defi loans or launchpad investment terms based on Bird’s analysis of the wallet’s past behaviors as well as off-chain data streams.

Behavioral prediction products fueled the growth of Web2.0 companies such as Google and Facebook, but centralization had led to power and profit disparities. Combining the power of ML with open and decentralized technologies will enable Bird to create an entirely new tech business model. Operational decisions such as how sensitive data are used and what user behaviors are analyzed can be made by the community (i.e, token holders), with community profit-sharing serving to align the long-term incentives of Bird administrators and ecosystem users.

