Bird Partnership Brings Deeper Analytics to SoccerHub

Bird’s machine learning analytics to power the beautiful game into the P2E space.

OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)
3 min readJan 27, 2022


One of the major reasons behind the creation of Bird is to empower developers with access to a machine learning data analytics product toolkit capable of delivering the individualization that users will demand.

👏🏼 This is why we’re so excited to announce a partnership with SoccerHub that will give even deeper analytical power to their platform.

An Homage to the Beautiful Game and its Fans

It is no secret that soccer has immense popularity across the world. Bringing this extreme fandom to the blockchain seems like a natural progression as blockchain gaming explodes in popularity, bringing with it some amazing opportunities, like the emergence of the GameFi sector. GameFi has changed the concept of income earning in some parts of the world, creating micro sub-economies and giving people new opportunities to earn in a new and exciting way.

SoccerHub: A Pioneering Play-to-Earn GameFi for Soccer Fans

SoccerHub is the first play-to-earn multiplayer game that combines conventional soccer manager games and the most trending Blockchain technologies which can create very distinct NFT characters.

With the ambition to create one-of-a-kind NFT soccer players with distinct genes and skills that provide economic opportunities for users, SoccerHub aspires to develop a long-term sustainable ecosystem where players can:

  • Satisfy the Soccer passion
  • Enjoy the ownership of a Super Squad
  • Earn tokens while playing and trading

Bird Scoring with a SoccerHub Connection

In conventional business models, the essence of gaming is to satisfy the player experience. Bugs and performance issues, however, can be a killer for user enjoyment. But with the birth of machine learning and artificial intelligence, the gap between gaming companies and user data is bridged by providing actionable insights on limitless data streams.

By this collaboration, Bird offers an ideal analytics tool for SoccerHub in making data-informed decisions. In essence, metrics such as total players, game time, concurrency, NFTs acquisition and staking trends etc. can all be combined into a single view to derive business-critical information.

Ultimately, by harnessing the power of predictive analytics to accelerate blockchain innovation, Bird’s gaming analytics solutions will empower SoccerHub with AI-based insights that drive player engagement, monetization outcomes and ROI maximization.

We’re extremely pleased to be partnering with a platform that is appealing to fans of the beautiful game. We’ve got many footy fans here within the team at the Bird Nest and throughout the Bird Flock community. It’s exciting for us to be a part of a platform that appeals to the world’s most popular game.

About Bird

Bird is empowering dApp developers to create the Web3.0 UX of the future by developing wallet-level machine learning prediction products that are accessible within a permissionless, decentralized on-chain oracle. Developers that integrate with our products can, for example, offer variable defi loans or launchpad investment terms based on Bird’s analysis of the wallet’s past behaviors as well as off-chain data streams.

Behavioral prediction products fueled the growth of Web2.0 companies such as Google and Facebook, but centralization had led to power and profit disparities. Combining the power of ML with open and decentralized technologies will enable Bird to create an entirely new tech business model. Operational decisions such as how sensitive data are used and what user behaviors are analyzed can be made by the community (i.e, token holders), with community profit-sharing serving to align the long-term incentives of Bird administrators and ecosystem users.

