Exploring Bird’s User-Centric Approach to Credit Scoring in DeFi

Usman Salis
OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)
9 min readJul 26, 2023

As we sail forth into the uncharted waters of decentralized finance (DeFi), a new beacon of innovation has caught our attention — Blockchain Integrated Risk Detection, otherwise known as Bird. Functioning as a unique force in the DeFi ecosystem, Bird is developing an Oracle analytics platform that empowers individuals and businesses to make informed decisions in an increasingly decentralized world.

One of the most prominent and innovative features of Bird’s platform is its user-centric credit scoring system. This concept reimagines the traditional model of credit scoring, replacing it with a more personalized, accurate, and nuanced system. Instead of relying solely on past financial behavior, Bird’s user-centric credit scoring model also incorporates personal preferences, tendencies, and lifestyle factors to generate a comprehensive credit score. This innovative approach allows for a more accurate reflection of a person’s financial standing, and it offers a potential solution to many of the systemic issues prevalent in traditional credit scoring methods.

Join us as we dive deeper into this exciting frontier, exploring Bird’s user-centric approach to credit scoring and its implications for the future of DeFi.

The Traditional Credit Scoring System

The traditional credit scoring system has been the backbone of financial institutions for decades. At its core, it serves as a quantifiable measure of a person’s creditworthiness, primarily based on past financial behavior such as credit history, current levels of indebtedness, and the timeliness of loan repayments. The widely used FICO score, for instance, assesses borrowers on these parameters, producing a score between 300 and 850 that lenders use to make their decisions.

However, this system is not without its limitations. First, it relies heavily on past behavior, which might not accurately represent a person’s current financial stability or future potential. This could result in a lower credit score for individuals who have experienced past financial difficulties but have since improved their financial habits.

Second, the traditional credit scoring system often leaves out “credit invisibles” — people who do not have enough credit history to generate a credit score. This could exclude young adults, new immigrants, or anyone who prefers to use cash instead of credit, thereby limiting their access to financial services.

In the context of DeFi, these traditional methods pose significant challenges. DeFi aims to make financial systems more inclusive, transparent, and efficient, and the conventional credit scoring approach may fall short in meeting these objectives. It lacks the sophistication needed to evaluate digital assets, it is not transparent, and its one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t align with the user-centric ethos that DeFi espouses. Hence, there is a need for a credit scoring system that can better align with the principles and operational mechanics of DeFi — a gap that Bird aims to fill.

The Shift to User-Centric Credit Scoring

User-centric credit scoring is a revolutionary approach in the financial landscape that flips the traditional credit scoring model on its head. Rather than solely focusing on past financial behavior, user-centric credit scoring seeks to provide a more holistic view of an individual’s creditworthiness. It accomplishes this by considering a wider range of factors, including real-time data, future earning potential, digital footprint, and even social behavior.

In essence, the user-centric credit scoring model is designed to be more adaptive, intuitive, and fair. By focusing on the user and their unique circumstances, it can provide a more accurate representation of their creditworthiness. This is particularly beneficial for those who have been unfairly disadvantaged by traditional credit scoring models, such as the “credit invisibles”.

This shift to user-centric credit scoring is of paramount importance in the DeFi landscape. As DeFi continues to democratize access to financial services, the need for a more equitable and inclusive credit scoring system becomes increasingly apparent. A user-centric model aligns perfectly with the ethos of DeFi by fostering financial inclusivity and transparency.

Additionally, the inherent adaptability of user-centric credit scoring allows it to better accommodate the unique dynamics of DeFi. For example, it can more accurately assess the creditworthiness of a user based on their DeFi transaction history or cryptocurrency holdings, something traditional credit scoring models are incapable of.

In conclusion, the shift to user-centric credit scoring represents a significant stride towards making DeFi more accessible, efficient, and fair. By ensuring that credit scoring is as diverse and inclusive as the individuals it serves, we can move closer to realizing the full potential of DeFi.

Bird’s User-Centric Credit Scoring Model

Bird’s user-centric credit scoring model is a prime example of innovation in the DeFi space. Grounded in the principles of inclusivity, accuracy, and adaptability, Bird’s model broadens the scope of information utilized to assess an individual’s creditworthiness while ensuring utmost privacy and security.

To implement this pioneering model, Bird makes use of proprietary technology and algorithms. These sophisticated tools process a plethora of data points, including transaction histories, cryptocurrency holdings, and even social interactions within the DeFi ecosystem.

While the exact workings of Bird’s algorithms are proprietary information, what is known is their superior ability to harness this eclectic data pool. They can intelligently sift through these data points, identifying patterns and correlations that provide a granular, nuanced view of a user’s financial behavior and creditworthiness.

Perhaps most importantly, Bird is committed to maintaining privacy and security throughout this process. The company understands the sensitive nature of financial data and has implemented robust security measures to ensure its protection.

Bird operates on the principle of ‘privacy by design’, which means that user privacy considerations are integrated into every stage of their product development. All data is anonymized and encrypted, ensuring that personally identifiable information is never at risk. Furthermore, users retain full control over their data, deciding when, how, and with whom their information is shared.

By ensuring a secure and private environment, Bird ensures that users can benefit from a comprehensive credit scoring system without compromising their personal information. This is a significant achievement that aligns perfectly with the decentralized, user-centric ethos of the DeFi movement.

The Impact of Bird’s User-Centric Credit Scoring

Bird’s unique user-centric approach to credit scoring has had a profound impact on the DeFi landscape. Its model comes with multiple advantages, each contributing to a healthier, more inclusive and trustworthy financial ecosystem.

One of the most pronounced advantages of Bird’s model is the potential for greater financial inclusion. Traditional credit systems often exclude those without a substantial credit history, such as young adults, immigrants, or residents of developing countries. Bird’s expansive range of data inputs, however, accommodates these individuals, granting them access to financial services they may have been previously denied.

This approach also enables a more accurate risk assessment. By considering a multitude of data points, Bird’s model provides a richer, more nuanced perspective on a user’s creditworthiness. It reduces the chance of an undeserved low score due to insufficient data or outdated scoring models. As a result, lenders can feel more secure in their transactions, and borrowers can have confidence that they’re receiving a fair and comprehensive assessment.

Trust is a cornerstone of any successful financial system, and Bird’s user-centric approach significantly bolsters user trust. By granting users control over their data and prioritizing privacy and security, Bird empowers its users and nurtures their trust. This trust is crucial for the further growth and adoption of DeFi platforms.

To illustrate the impact of Bird’s model, consider the case of an entrepreneur in a developing country. Without a formal credit history, this individual might struggle to secure a loan from a traditional bank. Through Bird’s platform, however, this entrepreneur could use their crypto transaction history and social interactions within the DeFi space to demonstrate creditworthiness. They could then secure the necessary loan to grow their business, showcasing the real-world benefits of Bird’s innovative approach.

Through these numerous advantages, Bird’s user-centric credit scoring model is not just a theoretical innovation; it’s a practical tool that’s already facilitating more efficient and inclusive lending and borrowing in the DeFi space.

Future Prospects of User-Centric Credit Scoring

Bird’s pioneering approach to user-centric credit scoring holds immense potential to revolutionize the DeFi landscape. By addressing the shortcomings of traditional credit scoring and tailoring its model to the unique features of the DeFi space, Bird has made a compelling case for a paradigm shift in how creditworthiness is assessed.

One can anticipate a future where Bird’s model, or variations of it, becomes the norm within the DeFi ecosystem. As the benefits of user-centric credit scoring become increasingly apparent — greater inclusivity, more accurate risk assessment, enhanced user trust — more platforms are likely to adopt similar approaches. As with any disruptive innovation, early adopters may reap significant rewards, drawing in more users and fostering a more robust ecosystem.

Moreover, as DeFi continues to grow, the data points available for credit scoring will only increase, thereby enhancing the accuracy and utility of Bird’s model. This wealth of data, paired with advancements in data analytics and machine learning, will allow for increasingly sophisticated credit scoring models. These models could incorporate a broader array of factors, like behavioral patterns and even prediction models based on AI, to offer an even more nuanced view of a user’s creditworthiness.

Bird’s model may also prompt regulatory changes. As user-centric credit scoring becomes more common, regulators will need to ensure that these methods are fair, transparent, and respect users’ privacy. This could lead to the development of new guidelines or legislation specifically addressing credit scoring in the DeFi environment.

In conclusion, the advent of user-centric credit scoring in DeFi, spearheaded by companies like Bird, has the potential to reshape the landscape of decentralized finance. While the future is inevitably uncertain, the trajectory points towards an increasingly inclusive and sophisticated ecosystem where user trust and empowerment are at the forefront. Bird’s user-centric credit scoring is not just a transient trend, but a substantial step towards the future of DeFi.


In the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance, Bird stands out as a trailblazer, reconceptualizing credit scoring through a user-centric approach. With its innovative credit scoring model, Bird is addressing the limitations of traditional methods, ensuring a more inclusive, accurate, and trustworthy system for DeFi lending and borrowing.

Throughout this article, we delved into the workings of Bird’s user-centric credit scoring, discussing its mechanics, its unique advantages, and the positive impact it has already made in the DeFi landscape. We also speculated on the future, envisioning an ecosystem that widely adopts Bird’s approach or similar models, resulting in an enhanced and fairer DeFi marketplace.

The potential of Bird’s user-centric credit scoring extends far beyond a better risk assessment. It signifies a shift in the perception of what constitutes creditworthiness, emphasizing a more holistic and user-empowering perspective. More importantly, Bird’s model brings us closer to the primary ethos of DeFi — a financial system that is open, transparent, and accessible to everyone, irrespective of their geographical location or financial background.

As Bird continues to pioneer, its potential to transform the DeFi credit market is more than apparent. Their journey reiterates the endless possibilities of DeFi and marks a significant stride in the path of financial decentralization. In embracing models like Bird’s, we not only enable a more inclusive financial landscape but also set the stage for even more innovative and empowering disruptions in the future. The story of Bird and its user-centric credit scoring model is a testament to the transformative power of DeFi and a glimpse into what the future of finance could look like.

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Usman Salis
OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)

FinTech & Crypto Writer | Blockchain | DeFi | NFT | Web3 | Copywriter