Why OCADA Chose Solana

Beyond Ethereum: OCADA’s Strategic Pivot to Scalability and Efficiency

Usman Salis
OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)
6 min readMar 28, 2024


At OCADA, our core mission is to harness the synergy between blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, thereby transforming both the user experience and the developer environment within the cryptocurrency landscape. To achieve this, we’ve embarked on a strategic pivot from Ethereum to Solana, driven by our commitment to scalability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. This transition is crucial for advancing our technology-driven goals and meeting the evolving needs of our community.


Initially, Bird (now OCADA AI) was built on Ethereum, leveraging its robust smart contract capabilities and extensive network to launch our ML-driven blockchain applications. Ethereum’s pioneering ecosystem enabled us to explore and implement cutting-edge solutions. However, as our ambitions expanded and the complexity of our algorithms increased, the limitations of Ethereum’s current infrastructure began to hinder our progress. Specifically, the critical needs of our AI-driven applications, such as real-time data analysis, high transaction throughput, and cost-efficient operations, started to outgrow the capabilities provided by Ethereum. These evolving requirements prompted us to seek a blockchain platform that aligns more closely with our need for high performance and scalability, leading to our decision to migrate to Solana.

The Limitations of Ethereum for AI-Driven Projects

Scalability Issues

Ethereum’s current architecture has faced significant challenges with network congestion, especially during peak usage times. This congestion leads to slower transaction times and can severely impact AI-driven projects that require real-time data processing and rapid execution of complex algorithms. For OCADA, which relies on the swift analysis and action of its AI agents, such delays compromise the efficiency and effectiveness of our services, hindering our ability to deliver optimal solutions to our users.

Gas Fees

Another critical challenge with Ethereum is the high and unpredictable nature of gas fees. These fees can vary widely, spiking during periods of high demand, which introduces a layer of financial unpredictability for both our operations and our users. For AI-driven applications that execute numerous transactions, such as automated trading or security analysis, these costs can become prohibitive, impacting the accessibility and sustainability of our solutions.

Network Upgrades

While Ethereum’s transition to Ethereum 2.0 promises improvements in scalability and efficiency, the upgrade process involves complexities and uncertainties. The timeline and implementation details of these upgrades remain fluid, posing challenges for long-term planning and development. For OCADA, the need for a stable and predictable platform is paramount, especially as we advance our AI capabilities and expand our offerings. These uncertainties around Ethereum 2.0 have further necessitated our move to a more reliable and scalable blockchain solution like Solana.

Why Solana Stands Out for OCADA

High Throughput

Solana’s architecture offers an unparalleled capacity for processing transactions, with the ability to handle thousands of transactions per second (TPS). This high throughput is a game-changer for OCADA, as it allows our AI-driven applications to operate at the speed required for real-time data analysis and decision-making. The rapid processing capability ensures that our AI agents can execute tasks efficiently, from automated trading to complex security analyses, without the bottlenecks experienced on other platforms.

Low Transaction Costs

One of Solana’s standout features is its low transaction costs, which remain consistently affordable even during periods of high network activity. This cost efficiency is crucial for OCADA, enabling us to run high-volume, transaction-intensive AI applications without incurring prohibitive fees. The affordability of operations on Solana ensures that our innovative solutions remain accessible to a broad audience, aligning with our mission to democratize the use of blockchain and AI technologies.

Consensus Mechanism

Solana’s Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanism, combined with the underlying Proof of Stake (PoS) model, provides an efficient and secure framework for transaction validation. This innovative approach not only contributes to the network’s high throughput and low latency but also ensures a high degree of security and decentralization. For OCADA, this means our AI-driven applications can rely on a robust and transparent platform, where transactions and operations are secure and verifiable.

Ecosystem Support

Solana boasts a developer-friendly ecosystem, rich with tools, resources, and a supportive community, facilitating the development and deployment of complex applications. This ecosystem is instrumental for OCADA, providing us with the infrastructure and support needed to innovate and expand our suite of AI agents. The availability of advanced tools and a collaborative environment on Solana accelerates our development cycles and enhances our ability to deliver cutting-edge solutions.

Technical Deep Dive: Solana’s Architecture

Parallel Processing

At the core of Solana’s high-performance architecture is its capability for parallel processing, enabled by a unique innovation known as Sealevel. This parallel runtime allows for the simultaneous execution of smart contracts, drastically improving the network’s capacity to handle a vast number of transactions and operations concurrently. For OCADA, this means our AI applications can perform multiple tasks at once, from processing market data to executing trades, without delay. This parallel processing power is essential for maintaining the real-time responsiveness our AI agents require to function effectively.

Data Storage

Solana addresses the challenge of blockchain data storage with its novel approach, incorporating a feature known as Tower BFT. This leverages Proof of History (PoH) as a cryptographic clock, allowing validators to agree on the time order of events and thus significantly reducing the overhead associated with tracking transaction sequences. Additionally, Solana’s architecture employs Cloudbreak, a horizontally scalable data structure that efficiently organizes and accesses blockchain state. This innovative data storage solution enables OCADA to manage the extensive data sets our AI agents analyze, ensuring quick access and high throughput for data-driven operations.

Smart Contracts

Solana’s smart contract platform, known as Solana Program Library (SPL), offers advanced functionalities that are particularly suited to AI applications. The SPL supports the creation of on-chain programs that can operate with high efficiency and low cost, providing a robust environment for developing and deploying complex, AI-driven smart contracts. For OCADA, this means the ability to implement sophisticated AI algorithms directly into smart contracts, enhancing the capabilities of our AI agents and allowing them to interact with the blockchain in more nuanced and powerful ways. This smart contract functionality is integral to advancing OCADA’s mission to integrate AI seamlessly with blockchain technology, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in decentralized applications.

Case Studies and Applications

One illustrative case study demonstrating the efficacy of AI projects on Solana involves an AI-driven market analysis tool designed by OCADA. This tool utilizes Solana’s high throughput and low transaction costs to monitor and analyze real-time market data across various decentralized exchanges (DEXs) on the Solana network. Leveraging Solana’s parallel processing capabilities, the tool simultaneously processes vast datasets, identifying arbitrage opportunities and emerging market trends. This enables traders to make informed decisions swiftly, capitalizing on market movements with unprecedented speed and efficiency.

Another application is OCADA’s AI-powered security agent, which employs Solana’s smart contract functionalities to automate the monitoring and auditing of smart contracts for vulnerabilities. By operating on Solana, this agent can continuously scan a large volume of contracts at a fraction of the cost and time required on other platforms. The agent uses AI algorithms to assess code integrity, flag potential security issues, and even propose optimizations, thus enhancing the overall safety and performance of the Solana ecosystem.

These cases exemplify how Solana’s architecture, characterized by its scalability, low costs, and robust smart contract environment, provides an ideal foundation for deploying sophisticated AI applications. Such applications not only thrive but also drive innovation and value within the Solana ecosystem, showcasing the potential of AI to transform blockchain technology.

Conclusion: The Future of OCADA on Solana

The transition to Solana marks a pivotal chapter for OCADA, leveraging Solana’s high throughput, low transaction costs, and advanced smart contract capabilities to elevate our AI-driven blockchain applications. This strategic move not only addresses the immediate needs of scalability and efficiency but also aligns with our vision for future innovation. On Solana, we see endless possibilities for OCADA to redefine the boundaries of AI integration within the blockchain space, driving forward a new era of decentralized, intelligent solutions that are accessible, secure, and transformative for users and developers alike.



Usman Salis
OCADA AI (Formerly Bird.Money)

FinTech & Crypto Writer | Blockchain | DeFi | NFT | Web3 | Copywriter