Birdeye “Trader’s Profile”- Following in the Footsteps of Pro Traders

Be Early Bird
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2023

We learn a lot from the people who dumped tokens on the crowd, including ourselves.

One of the great things about blockchain is that every “buy” and “sell” is transparently recorded, and that information can be accessed by anyone.

The “Trader Profile” is the tool that sets Birdeye apart from similar tools. We take great pride in this feature and encourage you to use it to make more informed investment decisions. Let’s get started.

We tend to learn from the best. Similarly, we care about what the most profitable players in this market are doing. Therefore, we have developed the “Leaderboard” feature to assist you in filtering out the best performers in the crypto market with various timelines.

[1] It is where you can freely select a timeframe to search for the highest-profit traders, depending on your own investment strategy.

Shorter timeframes are suitable for playing with low-cap and meme tokens. Longer timeframes are more suitable for finding traders with long-term investment strategies in the market.

[2] This is the leaderboard where the market’s money-making machines are displayed. It includes both bots and humans, but we have helped you distinguish them by attaching a “robot” symbol to the bot entities.

[3] Is the place where you can choose the ecosystem you are investing in. Money always flows through different ecosystems, and you should do the same to maximize your investment returns in the short-term market.

Tips: Always keep an eye on Twitter and media platforms to know which ecosystem is making waves. Then, combine it with other on-chain tools to ensure that money is flowing into that ecosystem.

From there, you can use Birdeye’s “Leaderboard” tool to search for those who are generating massive profits.

Now start investigating the person you are interested in.

As explained above, you can continue to change the ecosystem [1] and timeframe [2] that the target you are following is executing investment behaviors.

Number [3] is a great feature of Birdeye compared to similar tools.

It allows you to have the clearest view of others’ portfolios, including: Tokens, Balance Change, Price, and Value. From there, you can see what this trader purchased, the quantity, and the corresponding profit/loss.

This is significant for your investment decision because:

  • If a token was purchased in a large quantity and is currently experiencing significant profits, it indicates that the individual bought it early and may consider selling the token to secure their gains.
  • Conversely, if you notice a token being accumulated with minimal profits, it is highly likely that the trader anticipates a future pump to take profit from the investment.

Of course, those are just basic assumptions in investing, and everything can unfold in different directions. However, the initial information is very helpful for you to understand the buying and selling behavior of a trader in the past.

Our advice:

  • Be cautious with tokens that have experienced significant growth. Allocate a smaller portion of your capital to participate instead of going all-in.
  • Tokens that haven’t fully grown have the potential to continue moving sideways for a long time. Combine information from social media and the project’s community to identify the timing when the token is preparing for a significant rise.

The last one is a headache.

“Historical Trade” is a feature that allows you to understand the complete trading behavior of a trader. However, what we see sometimes may be presented in a way that is intended to make us believe certain things.

In this feature, you can find out what tokens a Trader is buying, in what quantities, and at which time. In addition, Birdeye integrates sources from EtherScan, BscScan, and others to provide you with more comprehensive information.

Important note: The crypto market involves more than just buying and selling; market manipulation by project teams or whales is also present. Don’t get too excited or panicked by any sudden price movements. Instead, combine the on-chain data provided by Birdeye with information from social media, community reactions, and technical analysis to make the most objective investment decisions.

We hope that Birdeye’s “Trader Profile” feature can provide you with more useful information to make investment decisions. Please help us share this feature with more people so that we can harvest profits together after intense trading periods.

Thank you for reading.

