In case you were wondering

M. M. De Voe
BirdHouse Magazine
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2022


(flash fiction)

who’s calling?

I already took out the trash and cleaned up the bottles that you and dad drank last night and dusted and swept and I would have weeded but I didn’t want to be outside when the phone rang in case you didn’t pay the bill again and I was off WiFi and couldn’t pick up so instead I organized the books from tallest to smallest and then arranged them in alphabetical order again and several more are missing so I wondered if that was because you’re lending them out or losing them or selling them or what. But no one’s gonna answer that question are they and Lily was meowing for food and after half opening a can of something, there was a dark flash past the window and when I went over to check, there was nothing but the stupid trees and sky and I noticed the grass is growing over the lawnmower now and that’s kind of funny right? Like the grass won? And that’s when the phone rang so the cat followed me to the office and I put the half-opened cat food down and she nearly cut her nose before I noticed and swooped it up out of her reach and she yowled probably more because she thought I was teasing than from actual hunger but I couldn’t open the rest of the can while also answering the phone and I couldn’t put it down but Lily wouldn’t stop attacking my arm so I just answered and could hardly hear what you told me, and then there was that sound like something heavy fell.



M. M. De Voe
BirdHouse Magazine

Fictionista, collector of obscure awards, admirer of optimists in the face of dread. Author of 2 books that are polar opposites and yet the same.