Earlybird & ClimateTech: Intertwining Impact and Financial Returns

Paul Klemm
Earlybird's view
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2019
Figure 1: ClimateTech Investment Areas

How humankind can win the race to a zero carbon economy is considered one of the biggest questions of our time. It affects an ever-growing portion of our economy and our society as a whole.

While some people might not agree with the relevance of this question, others might worry about it. We at Earlybird Venture Capital consider it an opportunity. We look upon it as a chance to tackle consequences of the human-caused greenhouse effect, paired with the opportunity to deliver superior returns to our limited partners. In other words, we at Earlybird Venture Capital believe in the “Power of And” — the power of intertwining impact and financial returns.

That is why our Partner Fabian Heilemann and our Associate Paul Klemm have teamed up to form a ClimateTech division for our fund. They deep dived into the topic of ClimateTech by identifying eight investment areas, which are depicted in Figure 1. In the near time, each investment area will be presented in an individual blog post. This will include an explanation of the underlying market opportunities in terms of both monetary terms as well as CO2 reduction potential. Startups chasing these opportunities will also be presented.

Stay tuned for the introduction of the first investment area. Also, have a look at the Leaders for Climate Action, a group of 100 entrepreneurs taking climate action by reducing their own and their businesses’ carbon footprint as well as demanding a concrete pricing for CO2. It was initiated, among others, by Fabian and Ferry Heilemann.

