Earlybird VisionLab Cohort 4 Demo Day

12 Startup Pitches Showcase Ingenuity and Purpose

Earlybird Venture Capital
Earlybird's view
10 min readDec 8, 2023


The Vision Lab Program began in 2021 and has now welcomed 4 diverse cohorts of promising entrepreneurs. Vision Lab is Earlybird’s Incubator & Impact Fund offering mentorship, networking, and funding to startup teams of migration backgrounds in Germany. Together with the key partnerships mentioned below, we are sharing insights into this program and the Cohort 4 teams. Read on!

Cohort 4 Demo Day provided a chance for this cohort of companies to present their final pitches to journalists, investors, and members of the general tech community. It was a huge success, with well-developed pitches and over 150 guests! The 4th cohort is also the largest one yet, with founders representing roots from Lebanon, Switzerland, Russia, Pakistan, Austria, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Spain, Syria, Tajikistan, and Vietnam. In preparation for this final pitch round, the 12 dedicated companies and their founders immersed themselves in our intensive 6-month Vision Lab Program — refining their strategies and preparing themselves for future success.

Earlybird Co-Founder & Partner Dr. Hendrik Brandis made a heartfelt introduction at the event, highlighting the importance of empowering entrepreneurial migrants in Germany to develop their talents and offer their innovative contributions to society. He reminded us that while the Vision Lab effort is philanthropic by nature, these companies were also chosen because of their unique potential for success.

Widespread support from Earlybird Partners, Bain & Company, Egon Zehnder, Handelsblatt Media Group, Migrapreneur, and many more help make this initiative possible. A representative from Bain & Company celebrated their 4th round of participation at the event and remarked that although the project involves extra work, it’s a popular and exciting caseload. Vision Lab is truly an ecosystem effort to promote inclusion in the ever-evolving landscape of innovation.

Let’s dive into these remarkable companies and their unique solutions!

1. Satori

Founders: Joseph Finlayson and Tan Nguyen

🧵 What was the initial idea or reason you founded your startup?

Within the fashion industry, an astounding €500B of annual material transactions still take place mostly offline, requiring sellers and buyers to traverse the globe for meetings and trade shows. This inefficiency incurs substantial costs and hinders traceability efforts for sustainable sourcing. We envisioned a solution that embraces digitization, streamlines the process, and provides full transparency through digital passports.

🤝How did you meet, and when did you decide to start a company together?

Our paths crossed in 2021, and by the start of 2023, we were determined to launch Satori as a team. Together, we possess a dynamic skill set that covers technology, commercial expertise, sustainability, and extensive knowledge of the fashion industry. Our complementary strengths and shared vision for transforming textile sourcing in B2B drove us to build Satori from the ground up.

2. HonestDog

Founders: Nikolaus Ridder and Sufyan Osamah

🐾 What was the initial idea or reason you founded your startup?

We were shocked to find out that pets are being acquired through non-transparent, classified platforms like Kleinanzeigen. This has led to an alarming increase in illegal and unethical breeding practices. Our goal of positive change fueled the idea of HonestDog — a high-quality, transparent platform that not only makes pet adoption a joyous experience but also ensures that it is safe and ethical.

💡 What’s your vision as founders?

We envision a world where incredible people come together to create meaningful solutions. Being founders empowers us to choose problems to solve and collaborate with like-minded individuals who seek a better, kinder world.

3. Randevu.tech

Founders: Aleksandar Orlić, Filip S. Perišić, and Shuhrat Ashurov,

🎯 What was the initial idea or reason you founded your startup?

The idea for randevu.tech was sparked by Aleks, who faced the challenge of reinventing the wheel each time he built a new online marketplace and integrated it with enterprise systems. Realizing this was a common struggle, he envisioned a platform that could streamline the marketplace creation process. Meanwhile, Filip and Shuhrat, having experienced similar challenges in their work, shared these frustrations. Combining their experiences, they set out to create ‘randevu.tech’, a game-changing solution for building and scaling marketplaces.

🛠 What problem are you solving?

At randevu.tech, we tackle the complex technological challenges faced when building and scaling B2B marketplaces. We provide a flexible and efficient commerce solution with marketplace building blocks, eliminating the need to start from scratch. Our API-first solution accelerates development and adapts to changing needs.

4. Cozewell

Founders: Paul Liebersbach, Marie Klostermann, Karam Farkhat, and Robert Fleischer

🌱 What was the initial idea or reason you founded your startup?

The idea behind founding Cozewell began during a trip when Karam and Robert, both engineering students, encountered motorcyclists expressing discomfort due to temperature-related issues while riding. This encounter sparked curiosity to develop a mechanical engineering solution to address the problem, leading them to create an air-conditioned vest for motorcyclists. Their dedication and enthusiasm in finding a solution to this problem laid the foundation for cozewell.

💫 Why did you join Earlybird’s Vision Lab?

We joined Earlybird’s Vision Lab because we saw it as an incredible opportunity to access valuable resources, mentorship, and a supportive community. Being part of Earlybird’s Vision Lab enables us to accelerate our growth, connect with experts, and gain exposure to potential investors and partners.

5. Composite Vision

Founders: Ivan Kremnev and Ruslan Vorobev

🚀 What was the initial idea or reason you founded your startup?

The idea behind Composite Vision originated in 2021 when a group of graduates from the mathematics and mechanics faculty came together. During our research on composite materials for aviation, I had a breakthrough idea to enhance manufacturing and quality control processes. Excitedly, I (Russ) shared it with Ivan, and together, we collaborated on a solution that harnesses the power of computer vision and machine learning.

🔥 Why did you join the Vision Lab program?

We joined the Vision Lab program to connect with like-minded individuals and companies and gain valuable insights into the business processes in Germany. The program offered a unique opportunity for us to expand our network and learn from experienced professionals.

6. Pillio

Founders: George Kyriakopoulos and Muhammad Ali Khan

💡 What was the reason you founded your startup?

George’s parents were both diagnosed with cancer. Upon seeing their treatment experience, he quit his job in the U.S. and moved back to Europe. Here he met me (Muhammad), fresh from graduating from INSEAD. I had previously helped sennder to digitize paperwork in the transportation industry and realized how impactful our startup could be. Together, we’ve made it our mission to simplify one of the most complicated human industries.

🧩 What problem are you solving?

Research suggests that while doctors spend more than 2 hours on paperwork a day, doctors see each patient for less than 7 minutes a day. So, we pioneered Pillio, a collaborative design that allows practitioners to spend more time on patients than on paperwork.

7. Yolla

Founders: Omar Halabi and Mohamad El Haj

🤝 How did you two meet and think: ‘Let’s build a startup together?’

Crossing paths in school and sustaining this friendship, it was only a matter of time until we started a business together — especially after we recognized the rising demand for Yolla! from our community.

✏️ What is something you wish you had learned early on?

We wish we had learned earlier that our diverse and multicultural background is actually one of our biggest strengths. Growing up in a neglected part of society, we experienced prejudice towards our backgrounds. But now we recognize the value-add that our cultural heritage brings. We are learning how to use this multicultural sensitivity as a pro and as a benefit for our community.

8. ImpactBee

Founders: Galia Kotova and Alexey Poznyakov

💡 What was the idea behind founding your startup?

Drawing from our experience running a successful retail business in China, we understood the power of influencer marketing. We noticed that charities have dedicated and loyal followers, but lacked the tools to effectively convert that support into revenue. With this in mind, we set out to change the landscape by utilizing online technology and machine learning to create impactBee which enables retail brands to maximize their relevance with a more and more impact-conscience audience.

🛠 What problem are you solving?

Creating positive societal impact is becoming a must-have for brands when ethically focused Millennials and Gen Zers are becoming the dominant retail spenders. Creating such impact is particularly costly for brands at a time when customer acquisition costs have been rising sharply.

9. wAIpify

Founders: Hany Elmokadem and Oscar Civantos

🏗️What problem are you solving?

We realized that behind the generative AI hype, companies lack a proper understanding of where or how to apply generative AI. Companies are already losing millions of euros every year in revenue and profit increases that could be enjoyed with the right application of generative AI cross-function. We have created the most advanced AI management solution to solve that problem.

🤝How did you meet, and why did you start a business together?

At wAIpify, we believe a strong team with deep expertise is the foundation for a successful business. Oscar, the initiator of wAIpify, recognized this principle and sought out individuals with exceptional skills in e-commerce, business, and AI. That’s how he found Hany, co-founder and Head of Engineering with more than 10 years in tech leadership.

10. Lendorse

Founders: Evgenii Avdeev and Bjoern Christian

💭What was the initial idea or reason you founded your startup?

Our journey at Lendorse was sparked by Evgenii’s personal experience. Migrating to Europe and financing his own education made him realize the challenges faced by millions of students from developing countries. Witnessing this social injustice, we were inspired to co-found Lendorse with the vision of making education accessible to all, regardless of financial background.

🚀 What problem are you solving?

Lendorse addresses the problem of millions of talented students from developing countries who possess the skills to excel in European education but face insurmountable financial barriers. Simultaneously, Europe faces an unprecedented labor shortage, limiting growth and innovation. Lendorse bridges the gap of financial and academic exclusion by offering an alternative form of finance and mentoring through Income Share Agreements — empowering students to chase their aspirations.

11. Alterscope

Founders: Marijo Radman and Benedikt Eikmanns

🧠 What problem are you solving?

Decentralized Finance introduces a highly composable and interdependent financial system, creating a technical dimension of risk that is not yet fully understood. Alterscope is on a mission to address this challenge by providing the infrastructure that allows end users to monitor and calculate the exact level of risk for each decentralized finance transaction in real-time, across different blockchains, protocols, and liquidity pools.

🚧 What is the biggest challenge you face?

One of the most significant challenges lies in the rapid evolution of blockchain technology, particularly in DeFi markets. This fast-paced environment makes it difficult for anyone in the field to make long-term plans and requires entrepreneurs like us to remain agile and adaptable to new situations at any time.

12. Cleo AI

Founders: Jacob Kratzsch and Hélène Driancourt

🪀 How would you describe your startup idea to a young child?

Imagine being able to search across all the knowledge of a company as easily as using Google search. And not just that, it’s like having a helpful assistant that simplifies your day-to-day life.

🎯 What problem are you solving?

Knowledge Management poses a significant burden for companies, with 55% of company data remaining unused and 80% of knowledge lost due to employee turnover. The current search methods based on exact names, types, and dates make researching through knowledge extremely difficult. CleoAI aims to transform this landscape by enabling users to input any question or context information to access answers within their organization.

That’s a Wrap!

📣 Thanks to you for reading. Special thanks to the teams for laying out their pitches and perspectives, and much appreciation to our partners, guests, and investors who make Earlybird’s Vision Lab a reality.

We’re committed to fostering more inclusive startups by actively seeking entrepreneurs with migrant backgrounds — If this is you, please apply by sending your pitch deck to visionlab@earlybird.com and be considered for the next cohort! Reach out to Earlybird Vision Lab Partner, Ben Wilkening, with any questions, or Franziska Harzheim for support.

Stories and posts compiled by Stephanie Stein, Elisheva Marcus, and Rylee Mora.



Earlybird Venture Capital
Earlybird's view

Earlybird is a venture capital investor focused on European technology companies. Read more at: https://medium.com/birds-view or www.earlybird.com