“Losing Babies,” a poem by Margaret Rogal.

“… girls in their angel boxes, she and she and she …”

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Losing Babies

for Laura and Adam

Soft as buttermilk, smooth

butterball, bright as lemon

yellow button, angel cake, angel-of-the-fields

bless the cows, the garlic

lettuces and squash

butternut, butter soul, her soul

hopping into your soul, fluttery, shimmering

as quick as a leaf

turning, topsy-turvy

overleaf, storybook, fairytale

here, gone, here

alights, astir, aquiver

dew-jewels ablaze

barefoot, on-the-wing

Sunset Hill, Quill Hill, Shampeny Hill

girls in their angel boxes, she and she and she

buttercups, teacups, demitasse

butterflydom splendor, butterflyness shy

visit us, flowerbuds

from your buttersky.


Margaret Rogal’s poetry has been featured in Plainsongs, Earth’s Daughters, and Zig Zag Lit Mag.

Scene from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” John Simmons, 1873.

