
From being born in Queens, New York to entering college at 17 years old, I would say that so far life has been pretty exciting. I lived in New York for about eight years before moving to Smyrna, Georgia and then finally settled in Cumming, Georgia the following year. Although most of my memories in New York are cloudy, I remember always wanting to help others and made it my goal to become a doctor in the future. I started working towards this goal ever since I was given the opportunity in high-school and I am currently working towards making this dream a reality as a biochemistry and molecular biology major at UGA.

Dressed up in scrubs for a day volunteering at the hospital!

Although many people would disagree, high-school was a good time. I was able to explore myself and determine if I really wanted to enter the healthcare field. From volunteering at the operation room at my local hospital to organizing large blood drives, I confirmed that the medical field was meant for me. During the time I spent volunteering at the hospital, I was able to learn how the operation department of a hospital functions and communicates with the rest of the hospital. I was also able to observe surgery and talk to the surgeons—all while standing a few steps from the operating table. This thrilling experience was a key factor in my life, because it helped me decide that I want to specialize in cardiology. Another activity in high school that contributed to achieving my ambition was assuming role as vice president of HOSA—a nationally recognized healthcare organization. Through this group we were given many volunteer opportunities as well as the chance to compete in medically related topics. My high school experience was one that I would never give up; I now know who I am and what I want as I continue my educational journey into college.

The picture on the left is a handful members in HOSA at our Fall Leadership Conference. On the right, you can see me on stage receiving an award on behalf of Lambert HOSA.

After gradating from Lambert High School, I took on my big dreams to a big school—The University of Georgia. Like your average first year student, I joined many clubs in hopes of getting more involved in the community and have definitely found my place at UGA. I look forward to spending my time at UGA and progressing along the long timeline of school I have ahead of me.

These pictures highlight some of my freshman experiences at UGA. On the left is a picture of my brother, my mom, my newly adopted puppy, uga, and myself in the Classic City. The center picture is just your average picture of the dawgs teeing it up between the hedges. The last picture showcases a group of lost, but happy freshman riding the UGA buses in hopes of learning the bus routes.

