Say Hello to the Virtual Office

Nicolas Sarmiento
BiT: Business in Technology
2 min readOct 11, 2016

Waze recently declared Lima, Peru the worst city to drive in throughout Latin America. It is evident from all the hours we lose everyday waiting in traffic. All over the world workers in large cities are struggling to get to work in an efficient manner. After reading the statistics from Waze and seeing the growing struggles of transportation; it is imperative we find solutions. This is why we are excited that the remote working revolution is taking hold!

Does it work?

In today’s society, technology has no borders or limits, and as a result, connectivity is ubiquitous. Personally, moving to Lima, the capital of Peru, has become a something of a nightmare. There is constant competition for talent and modern companies are less concerned with bureaucracy and more interested in getting results. There are less resources to develop good software and time is always limited. We often must leave our local area to find talent and, when we do, these individuals don’t want to come to the chaotic city, but prefer to work from the comfort of their homes using clearly set goals. This allows for a synergistic relationship for businesses and talent. Businesses avoid office costs and programmers get to stay in their hometowns.


While we mentioned that remote work can be successful; we have to be careful and know what makes it tick. We must have well established tools and rules to make this possible. A well-structured employer-employee relationship will create the best type of remote partnership. Without a doubt, parameters must be established for work schedules, so there’s some control over weekly working hours. At the very least, you should agree together, focus on your goals and be flexible. Also, it’s best to have an internal communication tool for all collaborators so they feel like a team and can share knowledge, questions among other relevant topics. Tools like Slack or Skype work wonderfully.

Finally, the most important aspect for effective remote work is good leadership. There should be a leadership team within the company for remote workers to report any incidences or inconveniences. For those who would like to have a remote working relationship with their employees or employers, you should carefully consider with whom and how best to do so.

