April 2023 Development Update

Bit.Country Team
Published in
6 min readMar 29, 2023

Much like e-commerce revolutionized websites in the present day, the metaverse is poised to revolutionize the way we conduct business and grow the community in the near future.

Key Announcements

We are thrilled to announce that in March, Metaverse.Network Pioneer enabled decentralized governance. As a result, all NEER holders can now actively participate in community decisions that will shape the future direction of our project.

The first proposal is LIVE and ready for your vote now. The key point of this proposal is to allow our community members to decide if a bridge should be developed to enable the cross-chain transfer of Kaosland Land NFTs. If the referendum passes, the first bridge will be with Ethereum. To date.

397 community members have already voted! Thank you!

Community members can use on-chain governance to suggest changes to the ecosystem by submitting a public proposal. All proposals are ranked in a queue that descends in order depending on the amount of NEER contributed to each proposal. At the end of the launch period, only the top-ranked proposal will automatically move to become a referendum.

During the referendum, the community members can vote to support (Aye) or reject (Nay) the proposal. If the voting favours the proposal at the end of the voting period, it will be enacted immediately. However, if the voting is against the proposal, it will be archived.

We are thrilled to have reached this milestone, and we would like to encourage everyone to join the discussion and cast their vote here.

Watch our tutorial guide here.

Read the official announcement here.

Release Candidate

The Estate Staking module is reaching the final stage of testing, we’re thrilled to announce that it’s been elected as a Release Candidate for next week!

Monthly Metrics that Matter

Kaosland Statistics

Bit.Country Pioneer Statistics

For more most to update Bit.Country Statistics check them out here.

Pioneers at Work

Our team is dedicated to developing Bit.Country into the premier Web3 metaverse dApp, offering Metaverse as a Service. Additionally, we aim to establish Metaverse.Network as the preferred blockchain for all metaverse applications.

Our monthly commitments provide insight into our teams’ ongoing efforts and progress towards achieving our goal.

Github Activities Highlight of the Month

UI Code Activities
Recent Week Code Commits

User Interface / Metaverse

Pushed 366 commits to development/Master and 531 commits to all branches. On development/Master, 461 files have changed and there have been 142,648 additions.


Pushed 107 commits to development/Master and 146 commits to all branches. On development/Master, 108 files have changed, and 4,612 additions.


Pushed 16 commits to master and 17 commits to all branches. On master, 18 files have changed, with 343 additions.

Tip of the Month

How to Customize your Metaverse with the Skybox Feature

Metaverse owners can customize their metaverse’s environment by changing the skybox. A skybox is used in the metaverse to create the illusion of a three-dimensional environment by surrounding the player’s field of view with a large, static image that represents the sky and distant scenery.

Customizing your skybox in a Bit.Country metaverse is easy. To start, activate the build mode when you arrive in your metaverse. Once you’re in build mode, select the environment option from the build menu. From there, you can try out and choose from one of our presets to create the perfect skybox for your metaverse.

For a more personalized experience, creatives can upload their custom skybox. This requires uploading six static images corresponding to the up, down, left, right, back, and front geometries. By doing so, you can create your unique skybox that perfectly fits your vision for your metaverse. A minor fee of 0.04 BIT(Spot) is required to save your custom skybox.

Skyboxes can set your metaverse’s theme and advertise events or convey messages to your audience.

  • You can try out changing the skybox for FREE in our Sandpit today. Try it here.

Community Notice Board

Kaosland Land Claim Expiring Soon

The 9th of April 11:59 pm UTC is the last day for Crowdloaners to claim land units in Kaolsand. All unclaimed land will be returned to the Treasury. Read details here or claim your land here.

From Kaosland

WIN Hoodie NFT in Crew3 Campaign

Did you know that by completing our crew3 campaign, you will receive this custom NFT hoodie for FREE? Sign up and complete the #Bit.Country Starter quest on today. Get started here.

March Development Update

Do you want to catch up on last month’s Development Update? Read it here.

Claim Rewards

You have until the 1st of April 2023 to claim your rewards from the rewards campaign. All staking booster rewards were distributed on the 18th of March. Check eligibility here.

Recent Twitter Spaces

Huddle #14

Want to learn more about AI and how it can potentially distribute multiple professional industries, including law, accountancy, medicine, and education? Listen here.

Huddle #15

Want to learn more about how Metaverse.Newtork Pioneer has enabled governance and find out what it means for our ecosystem. Listen here.

Sneak peek of work-in-progress.

Guess the metaverse…

About Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network

Bit.Country is a platform for user-created metaverses and games with opportunities to earn. Metaverse.Network is the blockchain protocol on top of which Bit.Country is built.

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Bit.Country Team
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The team that creates a Scaled Blockchain which is Easy & Interesting.