August 2023 Development Update

Bit.Country Team
Published in
6 min readAug 1, 2023

July: Continued Igniting Innovation! 🔥 With a growing market size of $140+ billion in the future of work i.e. remote learning, working & socializing. Our BC team continues to present the following deliverables to bring back the togetherness for remote teams and communities.

16% of companies operate fully remotely globally. 53% of remote workers say it’s harder to feel connected to their coworkers. Remote collaboration has increased 91% in the last 5 years.

Key Updates

August was a great month filled with important achievements and new updates that made our user experience even better. Our team worked hard to bring new features to our users. We are happy to share these main highlights:

  • Launch of Bit.Country 2.5D and 3D Spaces. The Bit.Country Space was introduced to the community in pursuit of an ongoing series release of features aimed at enhancing work-life productivity using the metaverse. To learn more about Bit.Country Space, check out our announcement article here.
  • Mobile Compatibility and Optimization for both, 2.5D and 3D Spaces: We heard the feedback from the community and optimized the feature for mobile devices. You can now organize and join immersive meetings and experiences using a computer, tablet or mobile device!
  • Log in with Email Enabled: We are committed to making the metaverse easy and accessible from any device regardless of where you are located. We are excited to inform you that it’s now possible to log in to the Bit.Country App with your email, and bind your wallet address to it.
  • Launch of a Web-Based Metaverse Project without Wallet: In our mission to introduce the Metaverse, the problems it can solve in our everyday lives, and how it can be used for productivity, creating a web-based metaverse project is now possible. This means that it is not necessary to have a web3 wallet address to get started with Bit.Country.
  • Creating a Metaverse Project with a Space hasn’t been easier: The team introduced a new wizard tool allowing users to create their Metaverse and Space according to their needs and the solutions they are looking for.

As pioneers in the Metaverse space, we are driven to create an exceptional environment where users can connect, express themselves, and build thriving virtual communities together. We look forward to our community taking advantage of the BC Spaces and use them to grow your community in the metaverse.


Organized by the SubWallet and DotInVietnam teams, The Polkadot Decoded Satellite Event in Hanoi was a standout moment for us.

Peter Ruchatz, CMO of Parity, delivered the Polkadot marketing plan live from a BC Space, demonstrating the potential of our platform for hosting engaging community events. The event was a testament to the growing interest in the Metaverse and its potential to revolutionize how we interact and collaborate.

For the first time ever, a BC Space was used at a live event, allowing our team to present from three different locations simultaneously. This unique experience showcased the power of the Metaverse in facilitating global collaboration and engagement.

Special thanks to the SubWallet team for all the efforts and dedication to make this event happen. The preparations, the warm hospitality, and every detail were on point.

Monthly Metrics that Matter

Since the launch of the BC Space feature on July 13th, we’ve seen a positive response from our community. Here are some key statistics that highlight its success:

BC Spaces Stats Since Launch

Kaosland Statistics

Kaosland Statistics

Bit.Country Statistics

For more Bit.Country Statistics check them out here.

Pioneers at Work

Our team is dedicated to developing Bit.Country into the premier Web3 metaverse dApp, offering Metaverse as a Service. Bit.Country specializes in creating virtual spaces that are enjoyable and versatile for business, healthcare, education, and socializing.

Our monthly commitments provide insight into our teams’ ongoing efforts and progress toward achieving our goal.

Github Activities Highlight of the month

Bit.Country UI

- 366 commits to all branches. On development/Master, 277 files have changed and there have been 18,538 additions.

Bit.Country API

- 179 commits to all branches. On development/Master, 95 files have changed and there have been 3,826 additions


- 18 commits to all branches. On master, 38 files have changed and there have been 1,249 additions

3D Viewer

- 62 commits to all branches. On master, 120 files have changed and there have been 10,398 additions

BC Space UI

- 506 commits to all branches. On master, 471 files have changed and there have been 21,104 additions

BC Space Multiplayer

- 186 commits to all branches. On master, 170 files have changed and there have been 7,448 additions

Tip of the Month — How to Create Your Own Bit.Country Space

You cannot email a handshake. BC Space is all about bringing people together.

BC Spaces redefines what is possible in the Metaverse, offering a revolutionary step forward in connecting, working, and playing in this thrilling digital frontier. Check out the tutorial

How to create a space for FREE

Community Notice Board

Community Calls

Bit.Country held two Community Calls using BC Space, the first one with the intention of visiting and exploring multiple builds in Kaosland by the community, and the second one highlighting all of the features released in v0.

Attendees were randomly selected to receive a Charmed Pioneer wearable NFT. It was a great opportunity for the community to ask questions and get familiar with the latest features. Keep an eye on Discord for the announcement of the next Community Call.

Stay tuned for more exciting innovations and development.

About Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network

Bit.Country is a Metaverse as a Service platform offering an immersive web experience, serving as a remote workspace, a hub for vibrant community events, and an open world infrastructure with emerging techs.

Metaverse.Network is Multi-chain Connectivity with Kusama & Polkadot.

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