🎃Bit.Country Halloween Haunt 👻!!! 🕷️ Dive in, Decorate, Support & Win🦇

Bit.Country Team
Published in
8 min readOct 23, 2023

🍂 October is here, which means it’s time for some Bit.Country Halloween fun! 🎃
As pumpkins 🎃 glow and witches 🧙‍♀️ take flight, we would like to extend our haunted invitation to our grand Halloween event 🦇.

While we’ve been busy adding new features to our 2.5D Spaces, this event is all about coming together, sharing our spaces, making new friends, and having a good time.

In addition to the haunting party you are about to join, we also want to use this opportunity to hear from you!

We want to know what you like, what you don’t, and how we can make Bit.Country even better for everyone, while being rewarded by taking part in this event.

Whether you own a BC Space, or simply love exploring them, there’s a way for everyone to join in, have fun, and get rewards. Let’s celebrate Halloween as one big Bit.Country family!

🎃 How does the Halloween Journey for this haunting campaign look like?🎃

Vampires, witches, and brave souls of Bit.Country, this adventure begins on the Twilight of Oct 23th, 2023, and lasts until the dawn of Nov 23rd, 2023.

Your fate in this journey will depend on 2 different paths, whether you’re a brave Metaverse builder ready to craft your haunted realm or a curious soul eager to explore the darkest corners of every space, we have a thrilling path for you.

Choose your adventure, follow the steps below, and let the Halloween games begin!

*Check the Criteria section to learn how your space qualifies to enter the competition.

Important Notes:

1.- You can select one or both paths to maximize your chances to win.

2.- Participants in either path must have accomplished the minimum requirements for that path as well as completing all the Galxe Campaign Tasks to be eligible to receive a reward. If you are participating in both paths, you must meet the minimum requirements of both.

Feeling confused? Don’t know where to start? 🌌🕸️

👻Don’t get spooked yet!🕷️
We’ve got you covered. Whether you are swooping in as a Metaverse + Space owner, or haunting the fun as a Community Member, or conjuring the mix of both, you can check the following video tutorial guiding you through all the steps.

Bit.Country Halloween Contest tutorial.

Hit play, follow along, and get ready to have spooktacular memories together, collect as many points and get the most candy and prizes available for this campaign.

Milestones, Criteria & Prizes🦉🔮

Now that you are ready to take part in the competition, it’s time to learn about the prizes and rewards. To make things more exciting, we’re introducing a tiered reward system. The more souls that participate, the more potent the potion (prize pool) becomes!

We believe in the magic of unity. Therefore we’ve brewed a potion that rewards both the crafty Metaverse+Space enchanters and the adventurous spirits of our community.

The rewards in this contest are tiered, and for every 10 new BC Spaces that join the contest between 50 to 149 BC Spaces, there will be an increment of 500 $NEER added to the prize pool. But that’s not all! When we reach 150 or more submissions, we’ll unlock the maximum reward for this campaign, which is a grand total of 8000 $NEER.

Here’s how the system works:

Tier Reward Matrix.

Note that if you are a Metaverse & Space owner, your BC Space needs to have the following criteria for it to be considered as an active space entering the competition:

- 5 Followers on Metaverse
- 5 Favorites on Space
- At least 5 decorations in the space
- At least 5 users visited your spac
- Minimum of 15 meeting minutes accumulated.
- Completed all the Galxe Campaign Activities.

🎃The prize distribution for the winners will be as follows:

Bit.Country Halloween Price Distribution Table.

Haunting Reward Booster for Metaverse Odyssey Participants 🧙‍♀️

Metaverse Odyssey Event participants, we have conjured up a spooktacular surprise just for you! Enjoy an exclusive 30% $NEER reward booster if your BC Space is bounded to your $NUUM destination wallet address.

🎃 Let the Halloween Festivities Begin! 🎃

With spooky decorations, hauntingly exciting tasks, and candy to be collected from every space, join the campaign, invite souls to your spectral BC Space, and let the haunting begin.

Create your Metaverse + Space and join the Halloween campaign now! 🎃👻

Bit.Country is committed to fair play and maintaining the integrity of the Halloween Contest. We reserve the right to disqualify participants found engaging in any form of cheating, fraudulent activities, or the use of bots to manipulate the results. This includes, but is not limited to, the following actions:

  • Creating fake accounts or using multiple accounts to gain an unfair advantage.
  • Exploiting glitches or vulnerabilities in the platform.
  • Over spamming, hate, harassment, or any disruptive behavior in BC Spaces or the Bit.Country community.
  • Any other actions that violate the spirit of fair competition and good sportsmanship.

We encourage all participants to enjoy the contest in the true spirit of Halloween and respect the rules and guidelines outlined in this announcement. Let’s make this Halloween memorable for all the right reasons


How are the rewards distributed?
First, we need to consider that the rewards are distributed based on the number of Spaces created. The more Spaces created, the larger the total reward pool. Once the winners are selected, the rewards will be distributed to the wallet address they used to log in and take part in the campaign.

How will the winners be selected?
Winners will be chosen based on two categories:
Path 1: The Space that had the most engagement (points collected from the community) during the campaign period.
Path 2: The users who collected the most points across multiple spaces.

Can I participate in both paths?
Absolutely! You can choose to participate in one path or both and potentially win rewards from both.

What is the 30% reward booster and how can I unlock it?
If you are eligible as a winner on the first 3rd places on either path, Metaverse + Space Owner or Visitors and Community members and the wallet address you used to enter the compeition is the same wallet address you bound during the Metaverse Odyssey event to receive your $NUUM tokens, you are eligible to get an additional 30% of the rewards you would initially get as a non Metaverse Odyssey Event participant.

E.g. If 1st place gets 2,400 $NEER (because 150+ eligible spaces entered the competition), is an eligible winner and uses the wallet they bound during the Metaverse Odyssey Event, they can receive a further 30% of 2,400 $NEER. Giving a total of 2,400 $NEER + 720 $NEER.

What is the Metaverse Odyssey Event?
The Metaverse Odyssey Event is the public sale of $NUUM tokens via Tokensoft. Users who participated in the sale.

What’s the maximum reward I can earn from this campaign?
Depending on the number of participants, the maximum reward pool can unlock up to 8000 $NEER. If the max rewards are unlocked the Prize distribution will look as follows:

Price Table if more than 150 Space Owner Contestants join the competition.

In addition to the 8000 $NEER of the tiered rewards, a further 2400 $NEER (30%) can be unlocked if the max allocation was unlocked (150+ eligible spaces entered the competition) and all the winners are verified participants of the Metaverse Odyssey Event.

I’m new to BC Spaces. Is there a guide or tutorial to help me get started?Yes! If the video tutorial displayed above is not enough for you, here you can find the full user guide to learn everything you need to know about the BC Spaces.

I performed all the steps but I forgot to submit my tweet on Discord. Can I still win?
Regrettably, every step in this competition is essential. Forgetting to submit your tweet on Discord, the feedback form, or any of the other steps on the path you’ve selected is a missed requirement.
Additionally, you need to remember that your space needs to achieve the following criteria to become eligible as a valid participant in this campaign:

- 10 Followers on Metaverse
- 10 Favorites on Space
- At least 10 decorations in the space
- At least 20 users visited your space
- Minimum of 15 meeting minutes accumulated.
- Submitted the Metaverse & Space owner feedback form.

While we truly appreciate your efforts and participation, not completing all the required steps means you won’t qualify for the final rewards.

I completed all the steps, but I forgot to complete all the steps on the Galxe Campaign?
If you performed the tasks on a BC Space but didn’t complete all the required steps on the Galxe Campaign, you won’t be eligible to receive a prize. Completing all the steps on the pioneer.bit.country app and Galxe ensures that the winners selected are true members of our community and not just bots. Make sure you complete all the steps and requirements.

I completed all the steps, but I don’t see my points being counted.What happened?
If you’ve completed all the steps on a BC Space that hasn’t qualified yet as a contestant in this campaign, your points will be reserved until said space becomes eligible. As soon as the BC Space becomes eligible as a contestant, all the points you’ve accumulated will be added to your total score. Don’t forget to share and invite people to support the space owner so all your points are counted as soon as possible.

About Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network

Bit.Country is a Metaverse as a Service platform offering an immersive web experience, serving as a remote workspace, a hub for vibrant community events, and an open world infrastructure with emerging techs.

Metaverse.Network is an Empowering Infrastructure Framework for Social Transformation, Productivity Amplification, and Metaverse Revolution.

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