Pioneer Network is Live on Kusama

Bit.Country Team
Published in
5 min readNov 28, 2021

Metaverse.Network Pioneer is now Live on Kusama as a parachain.

A letter from Ray Lu, CEO & Co-founder

Dear metaverse visionaries and web3 innovators,

I trust you are well, busy, and happy.

At 4:44 PM, Sat. 28th Nov 2021 (NZST), I was informed by our CTO — Blockchain that the very first block was produced from Bit.Country Pioneer (the Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network Pioneer parachain) on Kusama.

The Pioneer metaverse machine recorded this moment with this particular block hash below.

The genesis block of Metaverse.Network Pioneer. Security Audit Report

“No word can describe how I felt when I saw the very first block produced on Bit.Country Pioneer Parachain. The beginning of a multi-metaverse journey had just begun.”

Justin Pham, CTO — Blockchain.

It is the start of our technical readiness for all our future initiatives, however, the story started back in 2014.

I came to know Justin when he applied for our software developer career academy at Industry Connect, the very first startup I launched in 2012. Helping participants to kick-start a tech career by training them with skills actually used by the market as well as giving them exposure to the modern tech industry, it was still at a small scale at that time. Now it is serving a wider audience in 6 countries led by Juanita’s team.


Justin was young and always carried a purpose for his life, later on, he joined me as one of the team, and today, he is the CTO and co-founder at Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network, and lead the blockchain development.

The reason I highlight our story is to give you some background of the people behind the scenes. Through Industry Connect and our tech incubator MVP.Studio, I have met many great people like Justin, such as Shannon, Daniel, and so on, and now they either have become our co-founders or took other important roles in our startups from MVP.Studio.

The education business has given me so much. Not only do we build, together, a culture of a long-term relationship, personally, it has also transformed me from a quiet person who was lacking confidence to someone that wants to get into the thick of it and make an impact.

In our culture, we believe ordinary people (like me and our team) can excel and be successful with the right attitude, long-term mindset, passion and a high level of execution power. We’ve actually been designing Grow2Earn protocols and are willing to bring that mindset and our experience to the future Bit.Country citizens.

The genesis of Protocol has been initialized

From Pioneer on Kusama to Continuum on Polkadot, I invite you to join us with the hope to create one of the largest decentralized communities and governing the future together.

Thanks to all the pioneers and visionaries that support our understanding of the future, and appreciate our narratives of the metaverse. I continue to work late nights even though the metaverse idea was born long ago. I enjoy the journey with our team and the wider community, and only want to compose more episodes in this new paradigm.

Sincerely yours,

Ray Lu,

CEO, Co-founder
Metaverse.Network & Bit.Country
7:23PM Sat, 28-Nov-2021

About Metaverse.Network


Metaverse.Network is the blockchain protocol on top of which Bit.Country is built. Designed and developed to support metaverses and related ecosystem projects. Providing an ethereum-compatible smart contract platform and protocol to build metaverse-native experiences.

Create projects to support the platform’s metaverses, or start a new metaverse directly on top of the protocol.

About Bit.Country

Bit.Country is a platform for user-created metaverses and games with opportunities to earn. Launch your own individualized metaverse for your friends, family or members; with your own sky and dedicated world. Let your community be perpetualized on our metaverse machine, and share in the value created.

Customize your metaverse to match the culture of your community, and let them share in the ownership and governance of your world.

Our Team & Background

Bit.Country & Metaverse Network is building a future for metaverse owners to have the ability to grow exponentially while letting the members take ownership and earn through a variety of opportunities, benefiting directly from the development of the metaverses they are in.

  • We won the 14th Slot on Kusama with record-breaking total contributors.
  • Our core founding team launched three other successful global startups in tech, education, and real estate since 2013.
  • Accepted participant of Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator (2021), Bootcamp (2021) at Creative Destructive Lab of Toronto University, and a Web3 Foundation Grant Winner. A member of the Substrate Builders Program.
  • On May 12th, 2021, Bit.Country completed the seed round capital raise of 4M USD from reputable venture capitals. Read more…
  • Our testnet has over 1600 node operators. Node operators are excited about energizing one of the biggest social experiments on web3.0.
  • On our early access waiting list, there are 120,000+ users eager to create their own metaverses for their people, and grow it into a valuable asset.
  • We designed our token distribution in a community-first approach. Time will tell.

We’ve just had a demo day and most of our team showcased their work and Bit.Country’s recent screens.

✈️Timesaver Version Watch 2 mins HD highlights

💎Insightful VersionWatch 30 mins HD highlights (Recommended)

✔️Deep drive VersionWatch 120 mins full recording

Need more information about Bit.Country Metaverse Network?

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