September Development Update

Bit.Country Team
Published in
6 min readSep 30, 2021

Launch Your Own Metaverse for Your Community

For August, it was another great month of progress. Including optimizations and new features. Our community has been really supportive, and community has grown significantly.

Launched Webinar Series

You can view past and future Crowdcast over this link

We plan to run frequent Crowdcast events to update our progress and introduce our concept to the community.

This upcoming webinar by Ray and Gardi. Join here

Released Platform Architecture & Brand Names

Metaverse.Network is the blockchain network of Bit.Country application framework.

We release our ecosystem plan with the following architecture graph. Our platform allows non-technical users to build their own metaverse. Developers can use our API to develop their games and smart contract dapps. NUUM token is the fuel that powering the entire ecosystem.


Winners Announced

Congratulations to the winners, please check the results on CoinMarketcap website or view it on Google doc

Bit.Country Pioneer — Canary on Kusama

$NUUM’s sister $NEER is here for #Kusama.

Pioneer is the sister & canary network of Bit.Country Metaverse Network.

Follow us

Product Development Updates

Shannon’s Update (3D)

3D Metaverse

  • Minimap added to the world — users can find their orientation more quickly and shows other players
  • The VOID has been implemented, the raw unallocated space surrounding the land blocks within a bit country
  • BIT mining — users are able to mine BIT found in the VOID, then awarded to their account for later use
  • Added world assets system — users can upload their own assets and place them into the world for decorative purposes
  • Optimizations to the system to improve CPU efficiency for animations and gameplay


  • Development has started on NFT image baking — allow an avatar to place an NFT on their character in a performant way
  • Integrations into Metaverse to support new cosmetic system


  • Performance improvements related to ahead of time rendering of map tiles

Justin’s Update (Blockchain)

BIT Mining

  • BIT mining protocol designed and implemented, allows the network to mint and burn BIT resources, user withdraw and deposit BIT from/to hot wallet.
  • Developed mining engine to support mining concept, mining settlement on blockchain network.


  • Land system design and implementation. Designing Land system in both EVM and Bit.Country Network to ensure they are composable cross-chains using ERC-721 standard.

EVM Compatibility

  • Research and design Ethereum Virtual Machine compatibility layer for Bit.Country Network that allows users to deploy Solidity smart contract to Bit.Country Network.

About Bit.Country

Bit.Country is an EVM-enabled blockchain network for user-created metaverses and games.

Everyone can start their own metaverse for their people with the 3D world, NFTs, play-to-earn & build communities to earn, and takes community engagement to a new dimension on web3.0.

Our network supports Ethereum-compatible smart contracts, developers can deploy their existing Dapps or build brand new ones for bit countries.

In each bit country, users can use $NUUM or supported tokens, the local marketplace, and the local DAO that governs the community and makes decisions for issues such as the supply of assets.

The Inception

In early 2018, Ray Lu, our Co-founder & CEO, while attending the US-China blockchain conference in San Francisco, visualized a future digital world for virtual assets and virtual life. Making it meaningful and real through a trustless network of value, which is a strong link between the metaverse and reality. He bought the domain name right on the spot and started imagining a new venture.

Start your own bit country for your people

Since then, his team Justin, Shannon, and Daniel at, with their master-apprentice culture, started the proof of concept. In late 2018, Ruitao, CEO and Co-Founder of Acala Network, also his former colleague and friend, introduced Substrate/Polkadot technology to him. This new technology excited the team as they found that it was the only framework available on the market that can implement the ultimate vision of Bit.Country with environmental sustainability.

“We could have raised capital eight months earlier in the current market, however, we chose to build milestones first and create a long-term thinking culture. Not only for the community but most importantly for ourselves, the co-founding team members.

This long-term thinking is evidenced by our seed round valuation, we aimed for a humble valuation to give our end users room for growth.”, says Ray Lu.

Ray Lu is a seasoned entrepreneur and has successfully launched three multi-million dollar startups in tech and real estate, and his group currently has an AUM of $US 50M. (Pre Bit.Country)

Now, I am committing the next 10 years of my life for a metaverse future, it is a great feeling that we can bring web3.0 to everyday people like us.”, says Ray Lu.

Our Approach

Education is the door to many great things, as founding members of Industry Connect, a well-known global tech educator, our proven strength is to educate people for success.

We have launched several courses to bring people to benefit from the Web3.0 movement. Those are the Substrate Runtime Developer Academy (partnered with Acala Network), and the world’s first Metaverse Career Academy.

Education will allow us to bring awareness to this new paradigm while growing an elite community for the metaverse future. More

Our Team

Everyone in the team is a believer in a metaverse future, and we have talented staff from the Pacific regions, Europe, Silicon Valley, and Asia; with a diversity of skills and experiences accumulated from large-scale solutions to great community development.

Our secret weapon is education. Industry Connect has been serving the world in the tech education space since 2013, and our group has benefited greatly by having a direct relation to some of the top talent at the beginning of their journey. Some had become co-founders in the startups that we have launched over the years.

After recent acceptance into Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator, we are mentored by experienced blockchain experts, and connecting with more partners.

A participant in the 2021 Cohort of Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator

Where Are We

Bit.Country’s core team is based in New Zealand, a wonderful country that brought the world many great creations including the Lord of the Rings films, digital human ventures, launching rockets, the Jet Pack, air taxi, bungy jumping, Hobbiton, Beef Wellington, McLaren Cars, the finest milk powder, and many others, all from the “middle earth”, Aotearoa and the middle metaverse.

Be a Meta-Human & Join Us

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$NUUM (Taking from Continuum and it is about ‘U’)

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Bit.Country Team
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The team that creates a Scaled Blockchain which is Easy & Interesting.