BCH, BSV Now Have Been Listed on BitOffer Options as Bitcoin Derivatives Exploding

BitOffer English
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2020

Since BitOffer launched Bitcoin Options last year, BitOffer Options became the best of the bitcoin derivatives as it includes all the advantages of all the other options, plus 0 fees, 0 margins, no exercise, and 2,000X leverages. The most significant feature of BitOffer Options is that whether the bull market or bear market, investors are allowed to earn 1,000X profits. The purpose of launching Bitcoin Options on BitOffer.com is to provide investors an accurate hedge and trading product. What should be mentioned is that to make sure the index be transparent and fair, the index is a weighted average of prices on spot trading market of 7 major Bitcoin exchanges.

Looking back, BitOffer has taken the lead of the development of the options trading with 130,000 daily active users, and a monthly trading volume that reached 1.5 billion USD. Even though, the number is still continually refreshing. Especially while the 3rd bitcoin halving happened, the scarcity of Bitcoin is felt valued. The bullish attitude to the Bitcoin market also increased the demand for BTC Options to a great extent. While the next bull coming, BitOffer announced that ETH, BCH, and BSV had also listed on BitOffer Options.

The list of ETH, BCH, and BSV on BitOffer Options consolidated BitOffer’s lead on the Options market. Meanwhile, BitOffer Options now support investors to choose the timeframe in 2-mins, 5-mins, 1-hour, 10-mins, 15-mins, 30-mins, 4-hours, 8-hours, 12-hours, 1-day, and 7-days. When more tokens were listed on BitOffer Options, more selections of the options tenors came out. In this way, BitOffer Options met almost all the investors’ demand.

Why did BitOffer list BCH and BSV on BitOffer Options?

As we all know the relationship among BTC, BCH, and BSV, the co-movement among them is strong. When the market had a significant change, they all owned similar movements. Thus, the purpose of listing them is not only because BCH and BSV are the tokens with an active turnover, but also to enable users to track their co-movement and enlarge profits while confirming the market trend.

Then, how do I trade BCH and BSV Options?

For example, the BCH price is $240, and you expect it to rise in an hour, so you buy 5 1-hour BCH call options contracts. The premium for each contract is 0.3 USDT, the total budget would be $1.5. After then, the BCH price increases by $10 in an hour, when your contracts settle, you would get $50 as a payoff, which reaches 33 times while comparing with the budget.

What if the BCH price drops in an hour?

You would only lose your premium- 1.5 USDT. That’s why BitOffer Options is be commented as a trading product with “unlimited profits but limited loss.”

In addition, we can do a comparison between Options trading and Spot trading, when the BCH price is $240:

  1. Buying a BCH needs $240;
  2. Buying BCH options call options contract needs $0.3.

If the BCH price rises from $240 to $250, you will both earn $10 from these 2 tradings.

However, the budget gap reaches 800 times. If the BCH price drops, the largest risk of buying Options contract is to lose the premium that you pay — $0.3. But for spot trading, the loss would be directly the price change. In another way, buying a put options contract will become the easiest and best hedge tool ever.

BitOffer, a Better Offer.

