BitOffer English
Published in
4 min readMay 19, 2020


BitOffer World Premiere: BitOffer ETH (Ethereum) Options, Fuse to the “ETH 2.0” Bull market

May 16th, 2020, BitOffer, one of the most professional cryptocurrency derivatives platforms made the latest announcement that BitOffer first launched ETH (Ethereum) Options & Flash Earning (1-min ETH Ups and Downs). The purpose of launching ETH Options is to provide an accurate hedge tool and an extra trading product to investors. The ETH (Ethereum) Options is built by the professional financial team at BitOffer, who made it not only be including all the advantages of other options products, but also requests 0 fee, 0 margin. Even it can reach thousands of times leverage, being liquidated is an impossible thing. Whether the bull market or bear market, investors can both own an opportunity to earn more than 1,000X profits on BitOffer.

We should notice that on the last October, BitOffer first launched Bitcoin Options which has been widely recommended by users. The first month after it faced the world, its month volume broke $500,000,000, which was much higher than the sums of that of other Bitcoin European Options such as OKEx, Binance JEX, Deribit, etc. It is obvious that the cryptocurrency derivatives market is hot as its total volume reaches a number that is huger than that of Spot trading. Half a year past, ETH (Ethereum) Options was launched on BitOffer, and attracted views from the market.

As we all know, Ethereum is about to experience an upgrade to 2.0 in July 2020. From POW to POS, the confirmation time for each transaction will be reduced to 3~6 seconds. Under the background above, the investors all hold a positive expectation on the ETH market. Plus the ETH (Ethereum) Options, the bull seems that it has been activated and ready to come out.

What is ETH (Ethereum) Options?

Options is essentially a kind of rights that enables the holder to buy or sells an asset at a fixed price at a specific date (or before the date). Just like the futures trading is a hedging tool for spot trading, so is options trading.

For example, when you plan to buy a house, dealers always offer discounts when you pay a deposit first. After then, when the value of the house drops sharply, you can choose not to buy the house, and your largest loss is the deposit. On the contrary, if the value of the house increases, then you would earn the price spread as profits. This is how options works and the deposit is the premium of the Options trading.

In some ways, Trading ETH (Ethereum) Options is similar to trading ETH on the spot trading market. Both need investors to predict the ETH price in the future, but Options trading supports investor to long or short ETH: Buy call when you expect the ETH price to be bullish, but put when you expect the ETH price to be bearish. If investors buy call, investors would earn the price spread as profits when the ETH price rises; If investors buy put, investors would earn the price spread as profits when the ETH price drops. In short, investors will be able to earn a huge profit with a small budget in this way.

How to Trade ETH (Ethereum) Options?

Now BitOffer ETH (Ethereum) Options supports 7 different time lengths for investors to choose: 7-days, 1-day, 12-hours, 4-hours, 1-hour, 5-mins, 2-mins.

For example, the ETH price now is $200, you predict that the ETH price will probably rise in an hour, then you buy 100 1-hour call options contracts with $20. After an hour, the ETH price rises by $10 (from $200 to $210), when your 1-hour call options contracts settled, you will earn $1,000 as payoff, of which rate of return reaches 50 times.

If the direction of the contract you buy is wrong, you would lose the premium you pay to buy the options contract. Therefore, we can conclude that ETH (Ethereum) Options is a trading with unlimited profit but limited risk. In other words, ETH (Ethereum) Options requires a low budget but allows investors to earn a high profit with low risk. Thus, compared with ETH (Ethereum) Futures, without the risk of liquidation, ETH (Ethereum) Options is much more acceptable for most investors.

What are the differences between ETH (Ethereum) Options and Futures?

ETH (Ethereum) Options and Futures both belong to leveraged. As the popular financial derivatives, being able to earn leveraged profits and hedge are their common features. However, the risk of futures trading is much higher than that of options trading. To trade futures, investors have to prepare margin, any careless operation may cause their positions to be liquidated. The requirement of Options trading is much simpler with the truth that it request 0 margin, 0 fee, and it does not have the liquidation mechanism. With those advantages above, investors will never have to focus on the market movement too much.

Futures: 100X Leverage available; being possible to be liquidated.

Options: 1,000X Leverage available; No risk to be liquidated.

By contrast, the return of Options trading is higher but its risk is much lower than other tradings. In addition, each new registration on now can get 50 USDT bonus!

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