Irrational Hype Gone, BitOffer Quantitative Fund on Trend

BitOffer English
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2020

The year 2020 means a lot to the development of Blockchain and the Digital Economy. Decentralize storage, DeFi, NFT, and cross-chain led the market to embrace a new era. As people’s acknowledge improved, irrational hype was gone since BitOffer Quantitative Fund brought Capital Guaranteed Investments to become the new trend.

DeFi and NFT became the new forces in the digital economy in 2020. DeFi, as the most proactive application and the most rapid development, its core value is to redefine the trusted source and reduce the risk from the counterparty. NFT is a new field that makes the asset to be valued on-chain. These two concepts both indicate a revolution in the financial world is upcoming.

However, after declines happened on DeFi tokens such as SUSHI, PEARL, CRV, etc., the DeFi market developed and kicked irrational hype away. Investors learned to understand the value of new stuff from a deeper perspective. Finally, all the features are needed to be back on the demands, it means that the blockchain techniques shall be able to be really applicable to the digital assets to solve the problems of “low liquidity” and “Difficult to be accessed”.

Analyzing the facts why DeFi and NFT were popular, we can find out that the reason why investors accepted to learn yield farming or even pay hundred thousand USD to buy a crypto pet is not that how the farm patterns of DeFi is innovative or how charming the pets are, it is because that people want to follow the trend so that the fortunate can be made to grow their assets.

Times proved that whether DeFi or Blockchain Applications, even though they speeded up the development and transformation of the internet industry and financial industry, and lifted up the layout of digital finance to a new level, it still has not made people get accessed to investing in an easier way. With so many unconfirmed factors, the cryptocurrency investors are still not clear about how they can hold and hug fortunate.

Just then, BitOffer and Goldman Sachs Asian team launched the first cryptocurrency guaranteed fund to enable investors to earn a fixed 20% annualized yield without any TA basis.

The total limit of the BitOffer Quantitative Fund is 500 million USDT, and the first period will be available for 64 days. By the way, it allows investors to purchase and redeem the fund shares anytime as they like. BitOffer Quantitative Fund uses strategies like Quantitative Arbitrage, Quantitative Hedge, High-frequency Trading, etc. to arbitrage from the market so that the original investment and 20% fixed annualized interest can be promised. Since it was launched on Oct 23rd, BitOffer Quantitative Fund earned positive feedback from the market and became the only and best investment to investors.

According to the announcement made by Lucian, the Chief Analyst on, BitOffer Quantitative Fund which guarantees users starting capitals and profits was launched at a moment when the global economic growth slowed down and the cryptocurrency market was extremely volatile. And it also proved that the vision of BitOffer is insightful.

Earlier, BitOffer Team has known that wealth management and asset custody would be the next trend in the cryptocurrency market based on their survey and analysis of the traditional finance and cryptocurrency field. Thus, they have started preparing for it for a long while. After providing the “Dual-Currency” which provides the highest ROI among the same products, and launching the first guaranteed fund “BitOffer Quantitative Fund”, soon, BitOffer will also offer One-stop STO service to institutions, high-net-worth clients, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The trend of guaranteed wealth management has been on-trend.

Layout decides the future. BitOffer now is aimed at the financial market. By devoting themselves to provide professional asset custody service for institutions and high-valued clients, the concept of “Endowing users with the ability to trade a variety of digital assets on a secure, efficient platform” will be made while getting investors to grow their assets value gradually.

