G-Cloud 10: Bit Zesty renewed as a supplier of digital services to UK Government

We are pleased to announce that Bit Zesty has renewed its status on G-Cloud 10 as an approved supplier of digital services to the public sector and UK government.

The latest iteration of the government-run procurement framework, G-Cloud 10, was released earlier this month (July 2018) by the Crown Commercial Service and features over 3,000 suppliers.

Bit Zesty has been listed as a government approved vendor once again, maintaining our reputation as a supplier of digital services via the G-Cloud framework. We are proud to have been working with government organisations since 2012 and we hope to continue our success through the new G-Cloud 10 framework.

The G-Cloud procurement framework recognises the importance of innovation in digital services for the public sector by allowing companies to bid to supply their digital services to government and public sector bodies.

Through the G-Cloud framework, which acts as a centralised marketplace for digital service providers, public sector organisations can easily find a suitable, government-approved supplier from which to purchase cloud-based services.

Bit Zesty supplies digital services via the G-Cloud 10 framework. Our teams at Bit Zesty work to maintain and improve our development practices to be in line with the Government’s Digital Service Standard and the GOV.UK Service Manual.

We are already working with numerous government departments to design, develop, and provide ongoing support for their digital services. We are especially proud of our work on The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise (BEIS & DCMS) and HMRC’s Trade Tariff (GDS & HMRC & DIT).

To find out more about our existing work for government projects, take a look at our client stories.

Do you need help creating or improving a digital service? Contact Matthew, our Technical Director, today on +44 207 125 0160 or drop him a line on matt@bitzesty.com for a free consultation.

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn — or check out our website.

Originally published at bitzesty.com on July 4, 2018.

