KIPYA | Bit2Big hosts the first ever Blockchain conference in Uganda — East Africa

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4 min readOct 3, 2018

From 4th — 6th April KIPYA | Bit2Big under KIPYA Group organised the first ever Bitcoin / Blockchain Technology conference and seminar in different areas of Kampala, the capital of Uganda.

The theme of the conference was “Embracing Blockchain Technology in Uganda”. Also, we held a seminar and saw over 300 people representatives from different sectors gather together to learn more about Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology and see which areas this kind of technology can be used in Uganda.

During the key activities to the conference Mr, Søren Fog, the CEO & Founder, Iprotus and TokenBooster as well as co-founder and Board Member, Crypto Valley Association in Switzerland with Mr. Michael Kiberu Nagenda, CEO and founder of KIPYA Group Ltd, Bit2Big Ltd who is also founding member and Vice Chairperson of Blockchain Association of Uganda were the main speakers at the events.

They gave talks on the state of the industry and areas which when used, the technology will be impactful to the communities, Uganda and Afrika as a whole.

At the seminars, Mr. Soren and Mr. Michael met students from International University of East Africa, Kampala International University and Makerere University Business School especially those from the department of Engineering and Computer Science and encouraged them to come up with solutions using the blockchain technology as well as introducing those who were not well acquainted with it.

Figure 2 Michael Kiberu Nagenda — CEO of KIPYA Group & Vice Chairperson of Blockchain Association of Uganda

They also met with government officials at their headquarters, especially from Police and NITA Uganda teaching them about Blockchain Technology, possible applications, chances and encouraging government to come on board.

“There is no way you are going to protect users in this country if you don’t know how to use the technology, you must play around with it to get familiar with it and that way you will come up with the right regulations for it.” Says Mr. Soeren

At the main conference held ICT house Parliamentary Avenue, Mr. Soeren and Mr. Kiberu concentrated on the security issues with cryptocurrency, clear understanding of what a trust machine (Blockchain) is, areas where the blockchain technology can be used in Uganda & beyond including investment opportunities.

The conference was chaired by Ministry of ICT presented by Commissioner of ICT Mr. Torach Julius

From left; KIPYA Manager — Irene M., Mr. Johnson B, CEO of KIPYA —Michael Nagenda Kiberu, Commissioner of ICT Ministry — Mr. Torach Julius, Crypto Valley (CH) Founding Member — Søren Fog

We also invited our friends from Blockchain Association of Uganda.
From which Mr. Kwame informed the audience about the different applications of the Blockchain in Africa and the upcoming Blockchain Conference on 23rd to 24th may organized by the Association.

Mr. Michael told attendees at the conference, “this technology is inevitable, it already exists. We are to prepare ourselves by educating each other, holding hands and learning from one another.”

“People’s interest in blockchain and cryptocurrency has grown significantly in recent years in Uganda after the unprecedented rise in the value of bitcoin and bitcoin exchange companies and organizations setting up in Uganda.

Because the blockchain industry is still in its infancy, there is an opportunity to involve Uganda too and set the tone for the future of the industry” said Mr. Michael. For this the initiative Blockchain Africa I/O by was created.

KIPYA | Bit2Big had invited Mr. Soren Fog and we apricate the time he spends with us in Uganda, for surprisingly the first time in Africa.

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Creating a Blockchain Eco system accross Africa.