BitAstir | Information | General-Vocabulary

-BitAstir-Meta “Sport-cabulary”

The only Dictionary for MetaVerse Sports that matters

Bit Astir
BitAstir MasterSport Publication


As we blur the line between the metaverse & the real worlds more with each passing day, BitAstir decided to lead the way in building the worlds first “Web3/digital Specific Metaverse “Sport-cabulary”.

Every niche/professional segment of human social life utilizes its own lingual gymnastics to organize itself. For Example, within finance, people who worked in the stock market possess different vocabularies than do those people who work as barbers or rappers.
“Long $BTC” for a trader or “That Sh*t is Zaza” for a rapper.

Sports is no exception.
Filled with a slew of linguistic wonder expressions; every sport has its own individual unique nuances that result in unique phrases for each one; ex.
Football: tailgating or running a 4–1
Basketball: And1 or Dunk
Skateboarding: KickFlip or Ollie

We are a few short years away from changing the course of social interaction & history; things will surely change by then; thus, please be advised that the terminology set forth is tentative & susceptible to change. It is recommended that serious digital athletes bookmark this page in order to keep it as a quickly accessible reference. Short of the terminology itself, what is of utmost importance is the concepts/definitions that are illustrated by each term.

Total Terms: 11

DSO — Decentralized Sports Organization

- DSO - Decentralized Sports Organization

An application specific spin on the crypto-native term, DAO (decentralized autonomous organization). Organizations that are incepted online/Web3 are by default referred to a “decentralized” given that they exist & operate on infrastructure that belongs to no single geographic entity. BitAstir was the first organization to use ( DSO ) as a term to identify itself & other entities that share industry specific goals.

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SportFI — Sport Finance

- SportFi - Sport Finance

A mixture of two words; “Sports” + “Finance”, SportFi is the term used to refer to economic benefits that are realized through a sophisticated application of DEFI data to Athletic data. Engineered through a combination of “Cryptocurrency + DEFI + Social Tokens + NFT’s”, SportFi leverages alternative means of establishing value based on a novel consensus mechanism derived from social approval & performance capacity; (pPoP).

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ACMn — Athletic Capital Markets Network

- ACMn - Athletic Capital Markets Network

A framework for establishing open, neutral, publicly traded markets around human Athletic performance. Just as we trade abstract objects representing products index’s (ex. pork bellies), the ACMn acts as a tool with which which human athletic performance can be indexed. The network is operated by independently incentivized actors from within the sport industry. Each actor on the network commits & binds themselves to the network; therefor constantly incentivized to act honestly (financially & reputationally). The Network “nodes/actors” ultimately provide a guarantee to core data within the network; which in turn is used to establish the earlier mentioned Index.

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- BitAthlete -

Individuals that have undergone an “Infusion” process & successfully conducted IAO’s in order to become tradeable ACMn assets. A BitAthlete is a digital avatar (NFT) that posses monetary properties (Crypto) of technologically-amplified financial system (DEFI) with an added (Social) public proof-of-performance parameter. These are the entities securing the network, driving it’s adoption, boosting social credibility, capitalizing talent, & economically benefiting from acting in their own best interests.

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IAO — Initial Athlete Offering

- IAO - Initial Athlete Offering

An adaptation of traditional IPO’s or the newer ICO’s, an IAO is a framework for bringing individuals to trading markets as assets. As in the case with its predecessors, the IAO’s will be used for established pre-market valuations for each asset & building the genesis liquidity for listing.

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- Infusion -

The process of bonding crypto-currency to an NFT. Similar to how the AMM logic behind DEX’s works; infusion establishes a genesis market rate for a biathlete based on the weighted composition of their collateral vs their Mint. Infusion take place right before an athlete hosts an IAO. When tokens are fused/bonded, they will be taken out of public circulation & staked to the network as an LP token (established at the time of Infusion). At this state, Infusion has only been designed as a one way operation; however, as the project matures multiple models will be explored & made available over time.

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$BITA — BitAstir Token

- BITA -

Also known as the “ BitAstir Token”, $BITA is the cryptocurrency /digital asset that powers the bitAstir ecosystem. All activity relating to the project; ranging from becoming a bitathlete through infusion & staking $BITA for passive yield, all the way to ACMn market making & participating in IAO’s, are denominated in $BITA tokens. Moreover; the $BITA token’s function in the ecosystem, places it in an opportune position to inherit the role of arbitrating our legacy sport organization fees. Finally, the $BITA token’s architecture naturally lends itself to a new archetype/category of tokens that we colloquially refer to as 5th generation.

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Astir — Awake

Astir -

A very uncommon English term, primarily, used as the suffix/second half of the project’s name (bitAstir), Astir means to be awake, to be aware.

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pPOP — Public Proof Of Performance

- pPOP - public-Proof-Of-Performance

“pPOP” is the official acronym for “public-Proof-Of-Performance”

pPOP or public-Proof-Of-Performance is a novel distributed systems consensus mechanism designed by BitAstir.

The consensus mechanism derives a “universally true” state of a distributed system based on behavioral socio-economic primitives that have been extrapolated & found consistent in the logical/mathematical world of theory as well as the physiological world of biology.

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- AstirINDEX -

BitAstir proposes the use of its ACMn (Athletic Capital Market network) & crypto-native SPORTFI ecosystem as a credibly neutral indicator of the Sport Industries well being.

- BitAstir’s network is composed of athletes, arguably the most important users of any sport; their direct involvement (& the brilliance in the pPOP consensus module) will overwhelmingly incentivize them to act honestly. As a distributed system the data will settle at the global
- If the network is doing well, that means demand for digital Sport & Athletics is high — which means health market.
- If the network is not doing well, that means athletes are not in demand & therefore not “valuable” at the moment — meaning an unhealthy market.
- A Network composed of, owned by & dependent on athletes should be the

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Prime Leagues

- Prime League -

The “Astir Prime League(s)” are hyper focused, community driven, community nominated, sub-organizations within BitAstir.

Multi purpose, by its nature, the APLeague(s) will help with fostering healthy relationships between {users←→ user & users ←→ platform} all the while, focusing user involvement surface area. Additionally the “Astir Prime League(s)” act as coordination mechanisms for select groups — groups that compete together — win together — & those that win together, stay together.

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BitAstir is always at the bleeding edge of WEB3 sport technology; Be sure to check out the official bitastir resources & follow us on social media to stay tuned in for more exciting breakthroughs from DSports.

  • *(we have a surprise coming up & we wouldn’t want anybody to miss it)

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🅰 → $BITA Alpha Bounty: Bita.AlphaList.Bounty.Flowpage
🔗 → $BITA Resources: BitaLinks.Flowpage

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🎥 → Youtube: Official Youtube channel BitAstir’s BitaSport.



Bit Astir
BitAstir MasterSport Publication

Sports-DAO ⛹️‍♂️ Building the largest network of 🤾‍♂️ Athletes & Connecting them with with the world 🏌️‍♀️ Turning🤸‍♂️ Athletes into Assets 🏆 #SportFI