How to become a good Shopware developer? — BitBag

BitBag Publications
9 min readOct 12, 2023

Shopware, a leading eCommerce platform originating from Germany, has seen a surge in popularity due to its flexibility, scalability, and user-friendly features. With the rising demand for Shopware eCommerce solutions, there’s also an increasing need for skilled Shopware developers. If you aspire to become a Shopware developer, here’s a comprehensive guide. You can use it and start developing with Shopware!

1. Understand the basics of eCommerce

eCommerce, short for electronic commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods and services using the Internet. As the foundation of online business, understanding its core concepts is vital for anyone aiming to excel in Shopware or any other e-commerce platform. Delving deeper:

B2C (Business-to-Consumer): This is the most common model where businesses sell to individual consumers. Think of popular online retailers like Amazon or eBay.

B2B (Business-to-Business): One business sells products or services to another business. Wholesale platforms or manufacturers often operate on this model.

C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer): Platforms like eBay and Etsy also enable individual consumers to sell to one another.

C2B (Consumer-to-Business): A less traditional model where individuals sell services or products to businesses. Freelance platforms, where businesses hire freelancers, can fall under this category.

eCommerce Platforms

Familiarize yourself with popular eCommerce software like Shopify, WooCommerce, , Magento, and . Each has its unique features and advantages.

Sales Funnel

Understand the customer journey from awareness to the final purchase. Grasping this funnel can help you create a more efficient and user-friendly shopping experience.

Payment Methods

Learn about various online payment methods like credit cards, PayPal, Stripe, and other e-wallets. Security and ease of use are crucial factors in choosing a payment method for an online store.

eCommerce Marketing

Dive into online marketing strategies such as pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO). Knowing how to drive traffic and convert visitors is essential.

These are vital for retaining customers. A website that is easy to navigate, appealing, and responsive can significantly boost sales and customer satisfaction.

Shipping and Fulfillment

Grasp the logistics behind storing, packing, and shipping products. Learn about different shipping models, carriers, and the challenges of international shipping.

eCommerce Regulations and Compliance

Understand data protection standards, like the GDPR in Europe, and other regional eCommerce laws. Knowledge about tax regulations, especially for international sales, is also essential.


Tools like Google Analytics can help track user behavior, conversion rates, and other essential metrics. Interpreting this data can offer insights into improving sales and customer experience.


Understanding the intricate world of e-commerce is paramount for a Shopware developer. It’s not just about coding but also about grasping the end-to-end processes and ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience. Building on this foundational knowledge can greatly enhance your effectiveness and value as a developer in the e-commerce domain.

2. Get Acquainted with Shopware Basics

Shopware, as one of the leading eCommerce solutions in Europe, provides a wealth of features tailored to cater to modern online businesses. When starting your journey with Shopware, there are several core areas to focus on:

Shopware Editions

Community Edition (CE): This free, open-source version is a great starting point for beginners to experiment and learn. It offers a robust range of features suitable for many online shops.

Professional Edition: A premium version with additional functionalities and official support from the Shopware team.

Enterprise Edition: Designed for large-scale businesses, this edition comes with high-end features and comprehensive support, suitable for more complex and extensive e-commerce projects.

Backend Overview

Spend time familiarizing yourself with the Shopware backend. Explore sections like products, customers, orders, and content management. This will give you an understanding of how to manage and maintain an online store on Shopware.

Frontend Mechanics

Understand how the Shopware frontend operates from a visitor’s perspective. Look into the standard templates, product listings, shopping cart flow, and checkout processes.

Shopware Storefront

This is where customization comes into play. The Storefront is built using the Bootstrap-based responsive template, and it’s where you’ll adjust designs, implement custom themes, or add specific functionalities.

Extensions and Plugins

Explore the Shopware Store for extensions and plugins. These additional components can significantly extend the platform’s functionalities. Understanding how they integrate and work is essential for a developer.

Documentation and Resources

Shopware offers extensive documentation, both for users and developers. Dive into technical documentation, watch tutorial videos, and explore the developer’s guide to gain a deeper understanding of the system.

Development Environment

Set up a local development environment for Shopware. This will allow you to test new features, plugins, or themes without affecting a live site. Tools like Docker can assist in creating a stable and replicable development environment.

Shopware API

Shopware comes with a RESTful API that allows for integration with other systems, plugins, and functionalities. Understand the basics of how to make calls, retrieve data, and integrate third-party solutions.

Community Engagement

Join the Shopware community forums, attend webinars, or engage in Q&A sessions. The community is a treasure trove of information, from solving specific issues to understanding best practices.


To effectively work with Shopware, it’s not just about understanding its functionalities but also the ecosystem around it. The more deeply you immerse yourself in Shopware’s world, the better equipped you’ll be to build, optimize, and innovate on this platform.

3. Learn PHP and Symfony

For anyone aspiring to be a proficient Shopware developer, a solid understanding of PHP and the Symfony framework is indispensable. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of why these two are critical and how to approach mastering them:

Why PHP?

Foundation of Shopware: Shopware is built primarily using PHP. As such, proficiency in PHP allows developers to understand the platform’s core, write plugins, and customize it to suit specific requirements.

Server-Side Scripting: PHP is renowned for its server-side scripting capabilities. Understanding this allows you to create dynamic web pages and applications tailored for e-commerce.

Starting with PHP

Basics: Begin with the syntax, variables, data types, and basic PHP operations.

Advanced Concepts: Dive into more complex topics like OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), error handling, and PHP sessions.

Practical Application: Engage in hands-on coding exercises, build small applications, and gradually take on more complex projects to reinforce your learning.

Why Symfony?

Underlying Framework: Shopware leverages the Symfony framework for many of its operations. Symfony provides the structure and tools to build robust web applications more efficiently.

Shared Components: Symfony offers reusable components that speed up the development process. Familiarity with these components can be a boon when customizing or extending Shopware.

Diving into Symfony

Installation and Setup: Begin by setting up Symfony on your local development environment. Understand its directory structure and basic commands.

MVC Architecture: Symfony follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. Grasping this architectural pattern is essential for building and modifying Shopware modules.

Routing, Templating, and Forms: Explore how Symfony handles URL routing, creates views with the Twig templating engine, and manages forms.

Doctrine ORM: Doctrine is a crucial tool in Symfony for database interactions. Understand how to define entities, execute queries, and manage database relationships using Doctrine within Symfony.

Real-world Practice: Theory alone isn’t enough. Start integrating your PHP and Symfony knowledge by building mini-projects. The more you code, the more familiar you’ll become with common patterns, pitfalls, and best practices.

Community and Resources

Both PHP and Symfony have vast, active communities. Join forums, attend workshops, and leverage online resources. Websites like SymfonyCasts provide valuable tutorials specifically for Symfony.


While Shopware offers a rich set of features out-of-the-box, mastering PHP and Symfony grants developers the flexibility and depth to tailor solutions precisely to business needs. As e-commerce evolves, being able to adapt and innovate becomes a pivotal asset, and these skills form the bedrock of that adaptability.

4. Dive into Shopware Development

Delving into Shopware development means engaging with its core architecture, creating custom functionalities, and molding the platform to deliver unique e-commerce experiences. Here’s a deeper dive into the essential aspects of Shopware development:


Understanding Plugins: In the Shopware ecosystem, plugins are akin to modular extensions. They allow for the addition or alteration of features without changing the core codebase.

Development: Start with understanding the Shopware Plugin Structure: the directory, essential files, and their roles. Create simple plugins, gradually progressing to complex ones.

Lifecycle: Familiarize yourself with the lifecycle of a plugin: installation, activation, deactivation, and uninstallation.

Shopware Store: Once you’re adept at creating plugins, you can even submit them to the Shopware Store, making them available to the broader community or selling them.


Theme Architecture: Themes in Shopware dictate the look and feel of an online store. Dive into the theme structure, the inheritance system and how you can override views in Shopware.

Shopware Theme Manager: It’s a tool within the Shopware backend that aids in theme configuration, compilation, and management. Mastering it is crucial for efficient theme handling.


Importance of the API: The Shopware API provides a bridge between Shopware and other systems, be it CRMs, ERPs, or any third-party tool.

RESTful Nature: Shopware’s API is RESTful, meaning it uses standard HTTP methods (like GET, POST, PUT) to interact. Delve deep into how to make calls, fetch data, and push updates.

Custom Endpoints: As you progress, you may need to develop custom API endpoints tailored to specific requirements.

Console Commands

Shopware offers a range of console commands, which facilitate various tasks such as cache clearing, plugin installation, or database migrations. Familiarity with these commands can drastically speed up development tasks.

What’s more, with expertise, you can develop custom CLI commands, streamlining frequent tasks or automating certain aspects of your development workflow.


Why Test? In the dynamic world of eCommerce, ensuring that new features or changes don’t break existing functionalities is paramount. Testing mitigates these risks.

PHPUnit in Shopware: Shopware integrates with PHPUnit for unit testing. Understand the basics, write test cases, and ensure that your plugins or custom functionalities are robust and error-free.

Database and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)

Doctrine in Shopware: Shopware utilizes Doctrine as its ORM. Dive deep into how entities are defined, how data is fetched or stored, and how relationships between different entities are managed.

Custom Queries: Over time, you’ll need to execute custom database queries to fetch or manipulate data in ways that Shopware’s standard methods don’t cater to. Mastering this can open doors to a multitude of custom functionalities.


Diving into Shopware development is a blend of theory, hands-on coding, continuous learning, and a lot of passion. As you deepen your expertise, you’ll find yourself not just adapting to e-commerce needs but innovating and setting new benchmarks. The world of Shopware is vast, and each exploration can lead to newfound expertise and accomplishments.

5. Get Certified

Shopware offers various certification programs for developers. Earning a certification not only validates your skills but also boosts your credibility in the job market. You can find certified courses here.

6. Engage with the Community

The Shopware community is vibrant and active. Engage in forums, attend webinars, workshops, and Shopware events. Networking with other developers can provide insights, solutions to common problems, and even job opportunities.

7. Continuously Update Your Knowledge

The eCommerce and tech landscapes are ever-evolving, with Shopware regularly releasing updates and new features. Staying updated ensures you leverage the latest tools and best practices. Dedicate time for learning, attend Shopware workshops, and engage in online forums to remain at the forefront. Embracing a mindset of continuous learning is pivotal for long-term success in Shopware development.

8. Work on Real Projects

Hands-on experience is unparalleled in solidifying one’s skills as a Shopware developer. Real projects expose you to practical challenges, pushing you to implement the knowledge you’ve acquired. These ventures provide a comprehensive understanding of client needs, project management, and team collaboration. Over time, you’ll build a portfolio that not only showcases your expertise but also builds credibility. By actively solving real-world problems, you’ll refine your techniques, discover novel solutions, and truly understand the intricacies of Shopware development. Engaging in actual projects also fosters networking, opening doors to more opportunities and collaborations in the future.

9. Seek Feedback

Feedback is the mirror that reflects your growth and areas for improvement. Actively seeking opinions on your Shopware projects helps identify blind spots you might overlook. Engage with fellow developers, clients, and end-users to gather diverse perspectives. This collaborative approach not only refines your skills but also fosters a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. Always remember that constructive criticism is a stepping stone to mastery.

10. Never Stop Learning

Apart from Shopware-specific knowledge, learn about emerging technologies, user experience (UX) design, and performance optimization. Diversifying your skills will make you not just a good Shopware developer but an outstanding one. Shopware courses for developers >>>


Becoming a good Shopware developer requires a combination of technical expertise, continuous learning, and practical experience. While the journey might seem challenging, the demand for skilled developers and the ever-growing eCommerce industry make it a rewarding choice. Dive in with passion and perseverance, and success will follow.

Originally published at on October 12, 2023.



BitBag Publications

BitBag is an eCommerce Software Engineering company experienced in solving complex business problems with the best of bread technology.