Selling products online: 5 Tips for selling online — BitBag

BitBag Publications
11 min readNov 2, 2023

As more than half of 2023 is behind us, we decided to create a blog about selling products online that may help new and experienced online businesses choose products for online sale.

Choosing suitable products for your eCommerce business may be an overwhelming task. At a time when the eCommerce industry is constantly growing, and online shopping trends are shifting each year (or even month), choosing products that customers desire can be difficult.

For this reason, this blog aims to explain how to choose products for your business and describe the ones that can help you make a profit.

As this blog focuses only on products that can be sold online, we highly recommend you visit our blog devoted to eCommerce project planning if you are new to the eCommerce world.

How to choose suitable products for your business

Before we jump into the products that are popular among customers this year, take a look at the paragraph that briefly describes how to choose the products your online business wants to offer.

As mentioned before, selecting the appropriate products to sell online can be a little bit overwhelming, particularly for those new to eCommerce or working with limited funds. To succeed in your online store, try to focus on strategic planning and targeted marketing. Start by conducting market research to identify trends and market gaps. Use tools like Google Trends and survey your target market. What’s more, you can opt for a niche market to set your online store apart, such as specializing in eco-friendly products or yoga equipment. Before finalizing your product list, evaluate demand using, for instance, Amazon Best Sellers, and consider profitability factors like shipping costs and storage fees, as these expenses may sometimes exceed the profits. Last but not least, develop a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to highlight what makes your product special and implement a robust marketing strategy across multiple channels to attract potential customers and maximize return on investment (ROI). By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a successful online business.

Nonetheless, it is best to pick products that you are actually interested in. Forcing yourself to sell and manage items in your own online store that you are not passionate about makes online selling nearly impossible in the long run.

Examples of profitable products to sell online

Since we’ve previously outlined how to select the best/most suitable products for your online store, the following paragraph contains product categories that became popular in previous years and may inspire you to implement them in your inventory and enforce your eCommerce store.

Fashion-related products

The unquestionable king of eCommerce is the fashion industry. Items from that category enjoy consistently high demand across a broad demographic, allowing for targeted marketing (for instance, on social media) and repeat customers. The industry is trend-driven and offers high-profit margins, especially with the growing focus on sustainability. Additionally, fashion products are social media-friendly and can be easily scaled, making them financially rewarding. With low entry barriers thanks to options like drop-shipping and the ability to tap into a global market, fashion offers a lucrative and sustainable business approach for aspiring entrepreneurs. When aiming for products in the premium category, focus on quality materials and try to experiment; for example, add custom embroidered details on t-shirts or incorporate high-grade leather accents on bags. Worth noting is that the rise of online marketplaces has made it even easier to reach a wider audience and scale your business.

Home Décor

A second example would be the home décor category. Selling home furnishing products through online stores is another popular and profitable product category that takes advantage of the modern convenience of eCommerce. Online stores allow consumers to effortlessly transform their living space, all from the comfort of their own homes. Moreover, just like fashion, the interior design category attracts a wide audience. Moreover, thanks to people constantly buying apartments, building houses, renovating and changing interiors, the interest in such products will not disappear, and the demand in this industry will remain high.

Domotio is a modern lighting platform that operates in the SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) sector and is known for its high-quality lighting products. With a robust in-house technological infrastructure and a keen alignment with modern trends, the company specializes in using locally sourced materials to craft unique lighting designs. Catering to both retail customers seeking stylish solutions and professionals like designers and architects needing precise specifications, Domotio stands out for its ability to offer tailored lighting fixtures, allowing modifications in size, color, and extensive details.

Food delivery and catering service

Delivering ready meals to people’s homes was a huge success, fuelled by a modern lifestyle that craves ease, diversity, and good quality. Thanks to today’s technology, ordering meals for a whole week or planning an event that provides all types of food is now much simpler and can be done even without a single phone call. Ordering a meal or setting up catering for an event can be done through a few clicks on your phone, expanding the customer reach for restaurants and catering services beyond their physical locations. Moreover, the global pandemic has further emphasized the importance of this digital shift, making online ordering not just a convenience but sometimes a necessity. Due to that, food industry has experienced rapid development over the last few years.

As mentioned above, the COVID-19 health crisis forced many companies to reinvent the way they operate. They had to adapt to a new working environment — employees working from their homes. Facing the new situation, some of them still wanted to take care of employees’ well-being the same way they did when they were at their own offices. In order to meet the needs of the mentioned companies, i-LUNCH decided to expand its regular corporate catering offer with a real alternative for all remote workers. Their service, called Télé Restau, came to life to offer the first remote restaurant experience with daily meal delivery and sale service. As a result, people can choose what food they would like to eat throughout the day, and the company prepares and delivers chosen meals to their doorsteps. In 2022, i-LUNCH changed its name to Fraîche Cancan to establish itself in the market with its healthy, responsible, and zero-waste offerings.

Healthy food

Healthy food has increasingly become a lucrative product category for online retailers, tapping into the growing consumer demand for wellness and sustainable living. As people become more health-conscious, they are willing to invest in nutritious options that promise long-term benefits. Products like organic fruits and vegetables, gluten-free snacks, plant-based protein powders, and cold-pressed juices fly off virtual shelves. “Superfoods” such as chia seeds, quinoa, and matcha tea are particularly popular, often commanding premium prices. Online platforms offer the added advantage of subscription models, where customers can receive regular shipments of their favorite healthy items, thereby ensuring a consistent revenue stream for the business. With the added convenience of doorstep delivery and the ability to source rare or specialized products, selling healthy food online has proven to be not just a trend but a profitable long-term business strategy.

Planeta Huerto (part of the Carrefour group) is an eCommerce platform focused on organic gardening, sustainable living, and eco-friendly products. With over 816,000 customers and an inventory exceeding 35,000 products, the company has successfully tapped into the growing demand for health-conscious options. Their offerings include an organic supermarket and products for home-based food production. Known for excellent customer service and high-quality advice, Planeta Huerto sells products and educates consumers on healthier, more sustainable lifestyles. Their subscription models ensure a consistent revenue stream, making them a prime example of the profitability of selling healthy food online.

Car parts and equipment

The fourth example is car parts and car-related equipment. Many vehicle owners increasingly seek high-quality and specialized components for maintenance and upgrades; thus, they’re willing to invest in premium products that promise durability and performance. Items such as brake pads, air filters, and even car wipers are quickly becoming online bestsellers. What’s more, tuning enthusiasts also look for customizable options, like turbochargers, sports seats, or specialized wheel rims, creating a constant demand for such products. Advanced electronics like GPS systems, dash cams, and Bluetooth kits are also desired items, often fetching higher prices due to their technological sophistication.

Clickable Automotive has been a trusted name in the Australian automotive parts industry since 2011, specializing in providing high-quality parts for European car brands like BMW, Volkswagen, Audi, and Skoda. Their commitment to quality, competitive pricing, and customer service sets them apart in the market. They offer professional assistance in choosing the right parts and have a system that allows even those without specialized knowledge to easily find what they need.

Its focus on prompt shipping and better support sets Clickable Automotive apart. Whether you’re ordering parts for scheduled maintenance or dealing with an emergency breakdown, Clickable prioritizes getting your order to you as quickly as possible. They also offer enthusiastic customer support to ensure you get the right answers quickly. Moreover, they are committed to building a better local supply of parts, considering their customers as key contributors to this effort.

Optical industry

The optical industry has gained significant traction in the eCommerce space in recent years. The convenience of online shopping, coupled with technological advancements like Augmented Reality (AR) allows trying and has made it easier for consumers to purchase eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other optical products online. The industry has also benefited from the rise of telehealth services, including online eye tests and consultations, making it even more convenient for consumers to meet their eyewear needs without visiting a physical store.

Lensvision is a company from Switzerland that specializes in producing and selling eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other products related to the optical industry, for instance, eye care products. Moreover, their website with custom B2B features allows making optician appointments from various locations all over the country. Currently, they sell over 3500000 per month from 310 different fulfillers. Lensvision’s commitment to customer satisfaction is evident through its extensive product range, which includes cutting-edge vision solutions and numerous customization options. Their dedication to quality and innovation has also made them a trusted name in the optical industry for over a decade.

While fashion items, health foods, and other trending products certainly hold a lot of promise for sellers this year, it’s crucial to remember that success in the marketplace isn’t solely dictated by what’s ‘hot’ right now. In fact, you can achieve remarkable success by selling the product you are genuinely passionate about, knowledgeable in, or have a unique angle on. The key is to understand your chosen product or its type inside and out and to be able to convey its benefits and features to your target audience in a compelling way. Whether it’s a niche hobbyist item, specialized equipment, or even something as simple as handmade crafts, if you can offer quality and expertise, there’s a market out there for you. So don’t feel confined to what’s trending; sometimes, the most successful businesses are built on passion and expertise rather than simply following the crowd.

As an example, take a look at this uncommon eCommerce store.

Agro-Efekt is a leader in the Polish agricultural market with over 30 years of experience. Their mission extends beyond mere trading; they offer a holistic approach that includes consulting, purchasing agricultural products, and selling advanced agricultural technologies. They specialize various products and services, from plant protection agents and fertilizers to renewable energy solutions and precision farming. Their commitment to building strong, stable, and safe relationships with customers and suppliers enables them to find optimal solutions in difficult situations and to adapt to changing market demands.

As can be seen, Agro-Efekt is an uncommon online store yet a successful business. Today, Agro-Efekt has expanded its inventory to include high-tech solutions like drones, offers educational programs, and has a global reach. Its success story demonstrates the impact of an unconventional business idea executed well, both commercially and in empowering the agricultural community.

5 Tips for selling products online

The last thing provided in this blog is tips to sell products better online. Although they are quite simple, it is easy to forget them in the flurry of other tasks related to the online store.

1. Provide high-quality product images

A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in eCommerce. High-quality, clear, and multiple-angle photos can significantly impact a customer’s decision to buy and ultimately help you make money online. Consider hiring a professional photographer to capture your products in the best light.

2. Optimize Product Descriptions

A well-written product description is not just a tool for making a sale; it’s also an opportunity to grow your customer base. By using clear, concise language that highlights the features and benefits of the product, you can attract a wider audience. Additionally, incorporating keywords for search engine optimization (SEO) will make your product more discoverable, thereby expanding your customer base even further.

3. Make the website user-friendly

One of the most crucial aspects of a successful online business is the user experience on your website. A user-friendly website enhances customer satisfaction and boosts your conversion rates for online sales. A well-organized layout with clear menus and categories helps customers find the products they’re looking for with minimal effort. Additionally, a search bar is a must-have feature for those who sell products online, as it simplifies the shopping process for your customers.

4. Streamline the checkout process

Streamlining the checkout process in eCommerce, particularly on your own website, is a win-win strategy for both online sellers and consumers. A simplified, user-friendly checkout reduces cart abandonment and boosts conversion rates, thereby increasing profitability. By respecting the customer’s time and minimizing the likelihood of errors, a streamlined process enhances the overall shopping experience, building trust and encouraging repeat business. Customers can complete their purchases with just a few clicks, making the process efficient and hassle-free.

5. Implement customer reviews and testimonials

The last tip would be to implement feedback from your customers. This acts as social proof to instill confidence in prospective buyers and offer valuable insights into the product’s quality, functionality, and reliability. In addition, this user-generated content can enhance SEO rankings, as search engines often favor fresh and relevant content. Moreover, reviews and testimonials serve as a feedback mechanism, allowing businesses to identify and address areas for improvement in their online.


Frankly speaking, there are a number of products that can be sold effectively. The ones mentioned in this blog are a great way to start your eCommerce journey. Nonetheless, choose the sort of products that you are passionate about. When you truly believe in what you’re selling, that enthusiasm is easily conveyed to your customers, increasing the likelihood of successful sales and long-term loyalty.

Keep in mind that whether you’re transitioning from a brick-and-mortar store or starting fresh, the crucial step to start selling online is to decide where you want to list your products. You have multiple options, including setting up your own website or utilizing online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay. Each solution has pros and cons; for instance, an online marketplace does not require a substantial budget to start selling products online but almost always requires paying monthly or transaction fees. Taking this into consideration, choosing between an eCommerce platform and an online marketplace is equally important as choosing items to sell online.

If you have any questions or concerns after reading this blog, please feel free to reach out to us!

Originally published at on November 2, 2023.



BitBag Publications

BitBag is an eCommerce Software Engineering company experienced in solving complex business problems with the best of bread technology.