Announcement #3: Automated Trading made easy — Bitbns now on BitUniverse

Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2020

‘Let’s glean through what happened in the past 3 days since trading went live, before we move to announcement number 3.

We have got an amazing start to things. BNS price crossed 15x of the pre sale 1 price.

Every single investor has made money from BNS. And a substantial gain!

Even at the current price point the market cap of BNS with the circulating supply is around 5.6 million USD. This is stuff most IEOs dream of when they launch. Bitbns has achieved this in 3 days since trading started.

Moving to our announcement for today.

We would be working on strengthening also the core features that drive utility to BNS.

One of those core features is trading on Bitbns and the liquidity available on the exchange. As we have always said, one of the critical aims that we look forward to is empowering users to save money or make money when they are doing anything. Today we are working on unveiling a sort of a tool that we are putting in the hands of users through this integration. Today we are announcing the integration of Bitbns with Bituniverse (BU) app. Bituniverse is a major trading app used by 100s of thousands of people on a daily basis. It has a rating of 4.6 and is loved by users across the board. With Bituniverse, you would be able to trade on Bitbns using trading bots even when you do not have any sort of trading knowledge. Trading bots essentially automate different trading strategies for you.


  1. You can download the Bituniverse app from here (Android) and here (iOS).
  2. You can then go to this section on Bitbns, which is the API trading section. You need to access this from the website currently mobile or desktop. You can access this on app from Friday 7th August 2020
  3. Alternatively you can find it by clicking more button on bitbns mobile website and in features you can find API trading.

4. Click on ‘Generate API keys’

5. Once the API keys are generated go to this section on Bituniverse. Find ‘Trade’ tab in the middle, and click on ‘Add exchange’.

6. You can find Bitbns there. Click ‘Bitbns’

7. You can add the API keys generated in step 4 here. Once you add them, you would be able to see your Bitbns balance on Bituniverse app.

8. You can then proceed to ‘Bots’ section and create a bot.

We would also release a detailed walkthrough video to explain this better, by the end of the week where you would be able to see exactly how it functions.For now, you can try the steps mentioned and in case you have any issues, you can reach out to our support on Freshdesk or the Bitbns Telegram group admins.

Bitbns becomes the first Indian exchange to get integrated on Bituniverse. This would help users who wish to seamlessly trade using trading bots on Bitbns. Bitbns already has higher liquidity on most INR pairs than other Indian exchanges. This is something we are strengthening and making stronger as time progresses. Bituniverse integration is a major step in that direction. We are excited to empower users to trade on Bitbns round the clock even without the need to know coding. Some of you have already found out about this and have started trading using it.

This marks the DAY 3 of #100Days100Annoucements

Onwards and upwards from here.

We continue to BUIDL. We would keep our heads down, remain focussed and keep building some amazing stuff in the coming days. Do support us in the journey by spreading the word out. We have an amazing referral programme for users and a few users are earning upwards of 10 thousands INR monthly using the referral on Bitbns. Find more about the referral here.

And by the way, as promised, the BNS FIP is live. You can earn interest on your locked and unlocked bns as mentioned yesterday in this post. And the node upgrade is in progress as mentioned. ETH ERC20 BTC and XRP deposits and withdrawals are live now.

Looking forward to greet you at the 4th announcement.

Team Bitbns




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