Bitbns X Playcent Collaboration!

Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2021

Hello everyone!

I think I wouldn’t be guessing it wrong if at some point in life you wished if video game scores could turn into money!

Well! My friend, the time has come and we are incredibly excited to tell you that we are partnering with the very successful gaming platform called “Playcent”. One of its kind the venture is going to be a massive hit!

So, What is Playcent?

To answer briefly and crisp, Playcent is a decentralized WIX for apps, games, NFTs and social tokens. It’s a remix tool that anyone can use to make interactive games, apps, NFTs, and social tokens based on various templates created by independent developers. Playcent is currently live on Matic testnet having over 20 templates.

Why do you think we are excited about Playcent? The reason is special. They are adding BNS as a currency on Playcent’s payment gateway. And that’s not where the association ends. It goes way further. Let’s learn in detail:

  1. Playcent enables BNS as currency in their gaming and app platform.
  2. The collaboration initially starts with an aim to focus on making BNS functional within the playcent platform which would facilitate payment for assets, subscriptions & in-app purchases.
  3. Bitbns shall support Playcent with industry connections and marketing.

What is Playcent Wallet?

Playcent wallet is a frictionless ethereum wallet created upon user signup using social logins (ex: Google sign up). You can find the user wallet address in the wallet section. We support BNS as a token in Playcent wallet allowing users to perform web3 operations like fetching balance, making a token transfer and so on.

  1. Click on Login/Sign Up
  2. Choose your preferred method on signup.
  3. After login, you should get signed up and you can now access your wallet created for you.
  4. Go to the wallet page by clicking on the wallet option.
  5. You should be able to get your wallet’s public Address and the balance of all the token Playcent supports.

Payment Gateway: For templates supporting web3 transactions, playcent introduces payment gateway to make token transactions with a simple click. Payment done using a $PCNT token requires no gas charge, but for any other token as payment requires the user to hold a minimum ethereum to perform the transaction to pay the gas fee.

  1. TopUp BNS token and a minimum of ether to Playcent wallet address.
  2. Head out to premium image app to unlock paid image

3. Choose BNS as your preferred mode of payment and proceed with PAY.

4. Once the transaction gets through, you should see the premium unlock and would get revealed.

The long term collaboration with Playcent shall let the exploration, with the official gaming platform be possible and the unique opportunity to understand the gaming-cryptocurrency dynamics closely. The BNS token gains an additional position as the official currency in the Playcent network.

For today & Always!
Team Bitbns




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