Freedom For Crypto

Published in
1 min readJan 22, 2020

Hey there,

We need your seamless support at this moment to push our voice out to the Finance Ministry of India. We have created a petition requesting the Indian government to regulate crypto instead of laying barriers in the way.

Below, we have simplified the effort for you by listing exactly what you need to do and in what order:

Step 1

Sign the petition here:

. After signing, share the petition with your friends, family, and colleagues, as much as you can. This helps our cause reach out to more good souls like you.

Step 2

Use the email template below and send an email to

Hon’ble Ma’am,

As an Indian citizen, I write to you regarding a petition to free crypto from the chains of barriers and resistance in our country.


I have duly signed the petition and I demand regulation for crypto.

Yours Sincerely

<Your name>

We believe together, we are stronger, louder and certainly possess the power to create an impact. So, share this message with your friends and family. Because remember — together, we are stronger.

Warm Regards

Bitbns Team




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