XCAD is now listed on BNS!

Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2023

Hello folks,

We are thrilled to announce our latest listing — XCAD x BNS! Following the successful WEMIX launch, we are excited to bring you another opportunity to invest in a promising project.

XCAD x BNS will be going live on April 13th, 2023, and we cannot wait for you to be a part of it.

The XCAD listing schedule is as follows:

What is XCAD?

Xcad Network is a platform made for YouTube users, aimed at fans of Content creators, to earn Creator token rewards for watching their favorite creator, directly on YouTube.

Here, creators get to diversify additional monetisation and interaction schemes which help develop a closer connection with their audience and fans while building additional revenue streams.

XCAD Network has developed its own NFT Marketplace known as “NFT Moments”, highlights moments from content put out by a creator and is categorized into different tiers. Users can own these special moments by purchasing content creator packs containing them. Besides this, XCAD Network, Xcad provides an educational platform known as the Xcasde

XCAD’s vision bridges the gap between cryptocurrency and the real world, due to the mass reach of their current influencers and beyond.

The XCAD token

The XCAD token plays a pivotal role in the Xcad Network ecosystem. Besides currency for purchasing creator tokens, users can stake the asset with content creator tokens to earn a multiple on rewards, which takes XCAD tokens off the market.

In addition, the token is used for governance and powers the entire XCAD platform.

We hope to see you trading soon!

Onwards & Upwards🚀,
Team BNS. 💜




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