Knowledge Base — Your New Bitbon System Guide

Bitbon System
Bitbon System
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2020

Interesting fact: the blockchain operation principle was developed back in 1991 by research scientists Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta as a solution for storing digital documents with timestamps. Documents could not be forged or drawn up post factum in this way. However, due to certain reasons, the idea failed at that time, and the patent was not obtained.

After a while, this technology found its place in the world and set a brand new trend owing to cryptocurrencies starting with the well-known bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto. Since 2008, blockchain has become a real hit applicable in many areas, including for the infamous ICOs. In turn, this attracted the attention of government regulators and showed there was a need for a different approach to using distributed ledger technologies.

Back at the stage of developing the Bitbon System concept, we eliminated the shortcomings of the existing blockchain platforms using the related world experience gained over the years, as well as the results of our own research. Every year the distributed ledger technologies information base is growing, as the modern society obviously needs complex and multifunctional systems for the organization and development of the virtual currency market.

Realizing this, we created a knowledge base — a special section on the Bitbon Space website, which contains structured information on the development of the distributed ledger virtual asset market, as well as blockchain-based platforms, in particular, the Bitbon System, where distributed ledger tokens and their accounting units are the object of relations between participants. New useful materials will be regularly added to this section, which you can learn about from the news on the official information resources of the Bitbon System.

Thus, you now have a convenient source of information for studying the Bitbon System features, which you can use to write your own articles or scientific papers or to make presentations or videos. The knowledge base will be useful not only for lawyers, scientists and entrepreneurs, but also for everyone who wants to keep up with the times and be aware of the progressive trends of the modern world.

Click this link to go to the knowledge base:

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