Publication of the Source Code for the Software of the Bitbon System’s Node on GitHub

Bitbon System
Bitbon System
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2021

Throughout its history, Simcord has followed the principles of openness and transparency because we are striving to adapt our developments for widespread use so that they benefit as many people as possible. Our philosophy of creating products and services consistently involves continuous cooperation and mutual understanding with the community of users so that we could account for their needs and wishes. We understand how important active cooperation with the community is throughout the entire development cycle of each specific product or even its component.

Taking that into account, in accordance with the Bitbon System Decentralization Roadmap, Simcord published the source code for the software of the Bitbon System’s node as well as the supporting documentation to introduce the community to the Community PoS consensus building algorithm.

The source code is publicly available in Simcord’s repository on GitHub — the biggest service for hosting IT projects and their mutual development.

To that end, the “Developers” section of the Bitbon Space website has been updated inviting everyone to join our developments for mutually beneficial cooperation, which includes using the source code to integrate the Bitbon System with other services.

In addition, remuneration is envisioned for active community members for participating in the development of Bitbon System components. If you have propositions or recommendations as to how the software of Bitbon System components can be improved, or if you find potential vulnerabilities, we recommend using the existing GitHub tools to contact our development team.

The “Developers” page will also contain links to all source codes of components and modules of the Bitbon System published in Simcord’s GitHub repository as they are implemented in accordance with the Bitbon System Roadmap.

We would also like to remind you that the next stage of the Bitbon System’s decentralization is the ability to deploy the nodes of the Bitbon System’s blockchain network by authorized Participants, who will be able to read all recorded transactions in real time.

This approach of involving skilled third-party specialists and interested community members, as proven by the international experience, allows for the most effective way of creating and developing high-quality software intended for mass use on the international market.

You can find Simcord’s GitHub repository by following the link:

You can find the Decentralization Roadmap by following the link:

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