As a Man, I’m Mystified and Enraged at Men

Why do so many men rape women?

Steve Uppendahl


Photo by Alex Sheldon on Unsplash

For much of my life, I’ve believed in a classic cliche. I subscribed to the belief that men were simple creatures and women were mysterious and complex.

Turns out I was half right.

Women continue to be more complex than us. But, lately, men have been fucking more with my psyche than ever before. I can’t figure some of my brethren out.

I never understood serial killers, or mass shooters, two groups who are nearly always men. Men who commit acts of domestic violence have always enraged me.

We’re supposed to value, honor, and respect women, goddammit, not beat them.

I haven’t knowingly interacted with violent men. But, the days of me staying silent are gone. Too much shit is happening too damn often for any man who cares about women to remain silent.

I’m a husband and a father of four daughters. I’m often skeptical of men regarding my girls. It’s another cliche. There are countless movies, sitcoms, and joke T-shirts about dads being pissy about guys dating our daughters.

We are way past stale jokes and comedic threats. Things are far more serious than that.



Steve Uppendahl
Writer for

Exhausted and disillusioned middle school teacher and high school varsity coach, writer of short stories and articles, with zero fucks to give.