Can We Rage About the Useless Tiny Pockets on Women’s Clothes for a Minute?

Women’s clothes are impractical for so many reasons, but the lack of proper pockets is one of my biggest gripes

Ronke Babajide


AI Image created with Midjourney by the author

I lost my wallet this week. It took me more than 24 hours to notice it was gone, so when I finally realized it wasn’t in my bag, the chances of it turning up again were slim.

My heart skipped a beat. My credit cards, social security card, driver’s license, and public transit card are all in that wallet. And we’re about to go on vacation.

This is not the time to lose a wallet.

I went into denial. It couldn’t possibly be gone. After all, I had been working at home all day and hadn’t left the house.

It had to be there somewhere.

After 30 minutes of frantically searching every nook and cranny of our apartment, including the fridge, I had to admit defeat. It was gone.

I knew I’d last seen it at lunch the day before. So I jumped in my car and raced to the office, hoping to find the wallet on my desk.

Nope, it wasn’t there either.

But then I remembered that my boss had paid for lunch and I hadn’t used my wallet. There was a slim chance it…



Ronke Babajide

Feminist, Woman in Tech, Natural Scientist, Life Coach, Speaker, Podcaster, Founder. I write about Feminism, Society, Work, Science, Personal Growth & Life