How an Anti-Feminist Symbol Like Barbie Became a Modern Feminist Icon

Did the Barbie movie trick you into believing it has a covert woke agenda?

Ronke Babajide


Barbie in a pink trousers and coat standing in front of a line up of soldier Barbies
AI image created on Midjourney by the author

I held out as long as possible to see the Barbie movie. For me, Barbie is a toxic role model. One that gives little girls body image issues and makes them feel bad about their bodies. In a way that even psychologists confirm sticks with them.

Her body proportions are completely distorted. Her head and breasts are so big that if she were a real woman, she would have to crawl around on all fours.

No progressive mother buys her daughter a Barbie. That was the consensus in my circles.

So when “Barbie the Movie” came out, my first thought was, wtf? Barbie? Who needs a live-action movie about Barbies?

But FOMO is real. So I caved and watched it to see what everyone was talking about. But Barbie hasn’t changed, and I was very underwhelmed. This movie isn’t about feminist agendas.

First of all, kudos to Greta Gerwig for being the first woman to direct a billion-dollar box office hit. I truly love that for her. And for us. It's a huge milestone.

But did it have to be a movie about this noxious doll that got us there?



Ronke Babajide

Woman in Tech, Natural Scientist, Life Coach, Speaker, Podcaster, Founder, Feminist. I write about Women, Feminism, Work, Science, Personal Growth & Life