I Got Divorced Because I Didn’t Want to Be a Married Single Mom Anymore

…and I’ve never regretted it.

Tara Blair Ball
Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2023


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

“Are you okay?” my then-husband asked.

I blinked and looked at him.


“You’ve been washing your hands for probably five minutes now.”

“Oh,” I said and turned off the sink and wiped my hands on a towel.

I’d been thinking of all of the things I needed to do that day and trying to figure out how I was going to get it all done, and I must have zoned out in the middle of washing my hands.

My toddlers had a check-up that afternoon, and I needed to remember to bring enough snacks, diapers, and changes of clothes.

I needed to call the dentist and schedule their first check-up. I needed to respond to at least eight highly urgent work e-mails. I was behind on a deadline.

I needed to remember to mail off some boxes, and I also had to drop off some things at their daycare before I drove to work.

I also needed to fill out a form for their speech therapist, and one of their backpack’s zipper had broken and they needed a new one.

We were running out of toilet paper, and I needed to ask the daycare teacher about their nap schedule.



Tara Blair Ball

Certified Relationship Coach, Author, and Podcast Co-host for Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse. https://beacons.page/tara.relationshipcoach